Page 9 of Come Back to Me

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I only make it to lunch time before I break down and send Savvy a text. I'm proud of myself for making it this long, I just hope she doesn’t get pissed.

Nixon: Morning, beautiful. How was your night?

As soon as I press send, I question if calling her beautiful is crossing a line. I have no clue what Savvy looks like now, but she’ll always be beautiful to me.

Savvy: Do you even know what I look like?

I can't help but chuckle. She’s always been straight to the point, keeping me on my toes.

Nixon: Do you know what I look like?

Savvy: Of course not! I haven’t seen you in years!

Nixon: Do you still have Batman?

I smirk, thinking of all the times I've snuck into Savvy’s room. She always looked so peaceful and adorable when she was sound asleep. Her chestnut hair fanned out around her head and she’d be clutching a stuffed unicorn named Batman.

My smile grows larger when Savvy texts me back with a picture of Batman sitting on her pillow. The best thing about the stuffed animal is the light on the stomach. We’d use it to light up her room when we heard a noise or when we wanted to sneak into the kitchen for a snack. Carla always found us stuffing cookies into our mouths. She’d laugh and usher us back up to bed.

Nixon: I can't believe you still have him.

Savvy: I could never get rid of Batman, he’s my best friend.

Damn, that hurts. I used to be her best friend. I used to be everything to her.

I can't even be mad at her for acting like I'm a stranger. I up and disappeared from her life. I'm not proud of handling things that way, but I was young and stupid.

You tend to make bad decisions when you’re so obsessed with a girl that you can't focus on anything else. I knew Savannah was going to be successful in life, it’s just who she is. She pushes herself to be the best, not to be better than other people, but because she can't handle the thought of not succeeding.

That’s why I cut ties with her. I knew I couldn’t be a man she’d want when I felt so lost after the accident. I knew she’d move away and go to college, leaving me behind to try to figure out what I was going to do. I never would’ve gotten into the schools she was looking at and I’d never ask her to go somewhere I could’ve gotten in.

I thought cutting off things with her would be better. I didn’t want her to spend all of her time writing me letters or waiting for a random call from me. I didn’t want her to stay home on the weekends, hoping to hear from me. I wanted her to experience life and have fun. I wanted the best for her and I thought that was removing myself from her life until I could prove I could be the man she needed.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Chapter 7


“Hey, babe.” Chad slides onto the bench across from me in the food court. His tray is piled high with protein and energy drinks.

“Hi.” I glance up from my notes long enough to give him a smile.

“I wanted to talk to you about Thanksgiving…”

“Oh! My parents are so excited to meet you. Mom wouldn’t stop talking about it.” I place a piece of paper in my textbook and shut it to give Chad my full attention.

“Yeah… I don’t know, Sav. I'm kinda worried it will be awkward.”

“Devon’s coming too, it won't be weird at all.”

“Devon? She’s staying at your house for Thanksgiving?” His brows raise, then a slow smile spreads across his face.

“Yup! She didn’t have anywhere to go and I didn’t want her staying here,” I mumble around a bite of food.

“Alright, if Devon’s coming then I’ll come. She’ll make it more manageable.”

“If Devon’s coming where?” The woman herself drops down next to me.

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