Page 53 of Come Back to Me

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“Don’t call me that,” I hiss. Nixon and my parents are the only people who have ever called me Savvy. “We were never really together.”

“What are you talking about? We dated for months.”

“Was it all a lie?” I ask quietly.

“Not all of it. In the beginning, I had a crush on you. The guys gave me a bunch of shit and said it’d never work out. There was no way I’d be able to capture the attention of Savannah Catalino. You were too far out of reach.” He shakes his head with a sad smile.

My mind drifts to the first time I saw him. His hair was damp from his shower after football practice. He bumped into me and knocked my books out of my hands. He didn’t hesitate to help me gather my things and when our eyes met, there was a lopsided grin playing on his lips.

“You were the girl every jock wanted to date, but no one had the balls to ask you out.”

“Yeah, I'm sure.” I roll my eyes, more than done with the lies.

“You were, Savannah. You’re beautiful, smart, funny, and independent. You don’t care what other people think of you and you go with the flow. Not many girls are like that… When one of the guys dared me to ask you out, it turned into a bet. If I could not only get you to agree to a date with me, but also keep dating me until you left school, I’d win. Someone said if I could convince you to sleep with me before the end of your time here, I’d also win.”

“Damn, I guess you aren’t getting any money, huh?”

“No, I'm not,” Chad says softly.

“And Devon knew the whole time?”

“She found out after we started dating. She confronted me and I asked her to keep her mouth shut because I really needed the money. She agreed, but only if I’d sleep with her. Apparently, she’s had a thing for me since freshman year and I never really paid attention to her.”

That explains why she tried to convince me Chad was the wrong guy for me to date. She was against us from the beginning, but I guess that makes sense if she wanted him for herself.

“It was supposed to be a one and done type thing, but she kept coming back. She’d tell me if I didn’t sleep with her, she’d tell you everything. I got stuck. I didn’t have a choice. Then I got used to hanging out with Devon because you were always busy studying and we got closer.”

“Right, because it’s my fault for studying and trying to make the most of my college education.”

“No, I'm not blaming you! I’m really just trying to explain things. I got wrapped up in Devon and the excitement of sneaking around behind your back. It was stupid. Probably one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done.” He scrubs a hand down his face. He kind of does look sorry, but it doesn’t matter anymore. We’re over and we’re never getting back together.

“Well, you seemed plenty comfortable with Devon at my parents’ house.”

“I… I don’t know what happened. I planned on driving there with Devon to break things off with her, but every time I tried to talk to her, she’d change the subject or turn up the music. I think she knew what was coming. Then I got there and saw you with Nixon.” He runs a rough hand through his hand and stares up at the sky. “Fuck, Savannah! I didn’t know what to do. It was clear he’s in love with you, and you looked at him like he was everything to you. I just kinda freaked out and made stupid decisions.”

“I’ve always loved him,” I say softly.

“Yeah, well, I didn’t expect that! Devon didn’t help when she was practically drooling over Nixon. I lost it and I didn’t handle things correctly. I'm sorry.”

“Hey, sweet pea, want some help moving?” I spin around so quickly I almost lose my balance. A huge smile spreads across my face when I find Dad walking my way with a grin.

“What are you doing here?” I give him a big hug. I’ve missed him even though I feel like I just saw him.

“I figured you wouldn’t want to make the drive home alone.” He lifts his shoulders in a shrug.

“How’d you get here? You would’ve had to drive yourself.”

“Eh, I didn’t plan to come at all, but that boyfriend of yours is pretty convincing.” He motions behind him.

I stare past him and find Nixon leaning against the side of a black pickup truck. His arms are folded across his chest and his ankles are crossed.

“Nixon!” I squeal and take off at a run. I jump in the air and wrap my arms and legs around him. Nixon catches me and holds me tightly with ease. He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck and breathes me in.

“I missed you too damn much to let you drive home all alone.”

“You’re going to drive with me?” I pull back and stare down at him.

“Nah, your dad’s going to drive your car and you get to sit there and look pretty while I drive us home.” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, never losing his hold on me.

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