Page 5 of Come Back to Me

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She stops her movement at the edge of our row, with her eyes locked on me. When I yank a pen out, she smiles over at me with a nod. I blow out a breath of relief and focus the best I can the rest of class.

After she gives us our assignment, I let out a long sigh. That was brutal. I hate being distracted. It just means I’ll have to study more tonight than normal. I can't wait for the next few weeks to be over. I’m tired of studying, but I'm so close to being done with school.

“Hey, I have to meet up with people for a group project. What are you up to tonight?” Chad threads his fingers through mine as he leads me out of the lecture hall.

“I was planning on studying for a while. I have a huge test in a few days. According to some people, if you don’t pass it, you’ll fail the class.”

“Babe, you have a 4.0 GPA, you won't fail the test, let alone the course.”

“Not if I study.” I smirk.

“Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Standing on my tip toes, I place a kiss on Chad’s lips then tug him behind me and out of the building. We step into the sunshine and I breathe out a sigh of relief. I can go home and relax for a little bit before I start studying. Chad kisses me one more time before we part ways.

I head straight to my apartment, knowing Chad isn't going to bother me the rest of the night. He knows I take school seriously. He’ll entertain himself until I have time to hang out. Like I said, best boyfriend ever.

Chapter 4


Being back home is boring. I have nothing to do and no one to talk to. I didn’t take any of that into consideration when I moved back here. I was too focused on getting Savannah back into my life.

I don’t have a conventional job. I’ve been making apps for the past two years and have made more money from that than I could ever make at a normal job. It’s awesome, but it also leaves me with a bunch of down time.

I like to work at night. I’m faster and can produce a better product if I work when most of the world is sleeping… which leaves my days free and lonely.

Tugging a box out of my closet, I start going through the things Mom packed up when I moved out after high school. I couldn’t take much with me, it just wasn’t possible. Everything went into the attic or the closet. It’s all sat there for over six years.

Mom decided to quit traveling for work and Dad retired from the military a few years ago. They’re enjoying their new freedom. They bought an RV and are traveling across the country, visiting all the places they’ve always wanted to go to. They planned on selling the house, but I begged them to let me buy it from them.

I have no clue where Savvy plans on living after she graduates, but I’d be willing to bet she’s coming home. She’s too close to her parents to keep any sort of distance from them. I know I need to be here. I want to be where she is.

The first thing I pull out of the box is a framed picture of Savvy and me from when we were kids. I was probably around ten, Savvy eight. We’re sitting on the sand at the beach with our arms wrapped around each other and blinding smiles stretch across our faces. I can't help but grin. That was the summer we learned to build monstrous sandcastles.

Savvy’s parents took me with them to their shore house every summer. It was right on the beach and the view was amazing. We stayed down there all summer. My mom happily allowed me to go. It made things easier for her while she was away on business. She didn’t need to worry about finding a sitter for me.

Mr. Catalino went home during the week to run the restaurant, but he always drove back down for the weekends. He said there was no reason his staff couldn’t handle the place for two days a week. Every night he was there, they’d take us out for dinner and to the boardwalk.

I loved every second of my summers with the Catalino’s. It was the only time growing up I felt like I had a family.

Snapping a shot of the picture, I text it to Savvy. I'm hoping if I can remind her of the good times, then maybe she’ll be a little more receptive to me when she gets home.

One after another, I text her pictures of our lives together. Everything that makes me smile or laugh. Anything that brings back a special memory or moment we shared.

Savvy: Nixon! Stop! I was in class and my phone was blowing up! I almost got in trouble.

Frowning down at my phone, I scratch the back of my head. Huh, I thought she was lying about having to get to class. I would’ve bet money on it.

Nixon: I'm sorry, Sav, I didn’t think you were serious. I was going through things and wanted to share them with you.

Savvy: I appreciate that, but if I'm not answering, I'm probably busy.

I groan, throwing myself back on the floor. I swear I’m chill with every girl that isn’t Savvy. I'm not a player, but I know how to flirt and interact with a person of the opposite sex. Add Savannah Catalino into the mix, and I'm tripping over my feet and stuttering out words.

I type out a text and erase it ten different times. I don’t know what to say, but it doesn’t matter. She texts me again before I can say anything.

Savvy: I forgot about the summers at the beach. They were always the best.

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