Page 16 of Come Back to Me

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Nixon: Let me finish showering and I’ll call you.

Jumping back in the tub, I take the fastest shower known to man. I'm drying off and tugging on a pair of sweats in minutes. The moment they’re on, I'm pressing the button to call Savvy.

“Did you seriously get out of the shower to answer my texts?” She asks instead of saying hello.


“Why? My complaining could have waited.”

“Maybe, but I like talking to you.”

“Nixon…” She sighs.

I know what’s coming next. She’s going to push me away and I deserve that. She’s going to remind me how I don’t get to have her as my best friend any longer and how I screwed up everything. So instead of dealing with that, I pull her attention to something else.

“Tell me what you’re studying.”

“Advanced financial and cost accounting.”

“Ahh, the stuff nightmares are made of.”

“Stop it.” She giggles. “I'm serious. I hate this class. I'm so ready to be done.”

“I'm ready for you to be done too.”

“Why? My schooling doesn’t affect you.”

“The longer you’re in school, the longer you’re away from me. You belong here, Savvy. You belong with me.”

“I don’t even know if I'm staying in Pebble Creek. I haven’t decided anything yet.”

“That’s ok. You can figure it out after the new year. I’d take a few months off; you know your parents will be ecstatic to have you home.”

“My parents would be ecstatic if I never left their house again.”

“I'm leaning towards siding with them.”

“You are not.” She laughs again.

“I am, I miss you.” She’ll never understand how much I mean those words. I’ve missed her like she was a part of my own body, taken away from me for years. I’ve felt like I’ve been missing part of myself since I left.

“Nixon… I can’t do this. Not right now.”

“I’m not asking you to. Two days, Savvy. Two days until I can feel whole again.”

Chapter 11


The entire night I had one dream after another about Nixon. I can't get him out of my head no matter what I do. I woke up frustrated and annoyed. I'm not sure how I feel about him being back in my life. For so long I thought I’d never see him again. I thought everything between us was finished forever.

Then he just popped back into my life.

There was no warning, other than the comment from Mom. I barely had time to prepare myself. Even after Mom told me, I was in denial. There was no way Nixon Russo wanted to speak to me again.

The first day that text came, I freaked out a little. How can you just ask how someone is after years of radio silence? We never did small talk, nothing surface level. We spoke about hopes and dreams, what we wanted out of life, and who we wanted by our side during all of it.

A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts of Nixon. I jump out of bed and throw on a robe. I'm only wearing a thin tank top and sleep shorts, no one needs to see that.

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