Page 12 of Come Back to Me

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Carla and Donny packed me way too much food. I make sure to take a few bites of everything before carefully packing them away in the fridge. My bare shelves from earlier are now bursting with dinners for at least the next few days.

As soon as I'm done, I head across the street to see Carla. Knocking on the door, I take a step back and wait.

“I swear I'm never going to get used to answering the door and seeing your handsome face on the other side?” Carla stares at me for a moment, and then a large smile breaks across her cheeks and lights up her face. “Come in, come in! It’s so nice to see you!”

She motions for me to follow her inside, leading me right to the kitchen. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her outside of the kitchen. She spins around, scanning me from head to toe. Shaking her head, she opens her arms wide for me. I step into them without a second thought. This woman was always a second mom to me.

“You look good, Nixon. So handsome!” We kiss one cheek and then the other. Warm hands frame my face as she stares up at me. “I can't believe you’re back. Sit down, let me get you something to eat.”

“No, no.” My eyes light with amusement, this woman is always trying to feed everyone. “I just picked up food from Donny. He only gave me about four times what I ordered. It stocked my fridge for the next few days.”

“How about a cannoli? Everyone always has room for one.”

“Just one.” Holding up a single finger, I raise a brow, trying to stare her down.

“One to start with. Who can have just one cannoli?” She rolls her eyes like I'm being ridiculous.

“Are you trying to fatten me up?” I tease her. I love being around this family and feeling so welcome in their home.

“Well… You could use a little meat on your bones.” The corner of her lips twitch. “Now, what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

“Donny asked me if I wanted to help out at the restaurant. I never cashed in those cooking lessons so I figured why not. He told me to check with you to see what needs to be done.”

“Ahh, I finally get to teach my boy the ways of an Italian kitchen.” She ties an apron around her waist, pulling out one ingredient after another from the cabinets. “Well, you’re in luck. I have to make all the dessert orders for Thanksgiving. I’d love the extra help.”

“Awesome. When do you want me to come over?”

“Any time you want. I’m going to be puttering around this kitchen most of my waking hours until Wednesday. Only to wake up on Thursday and make a big thanksgiving feast for my loved ones… You’ll be here, correct?”

“Of course. I’d never turn down a chance to spend a holiday with the Catalino family.”

“Always the suck up,” she coos, patting my cheek. “I have a lot to make so I’d appreciate any help you’re willing to give… You can read a recipe, right?”

“Damn, I made it all the way through college and never learned to read. Shucks, what ever will I do?” I give her a lopsided grin when she wags a finger at me. “Do you even write down your recipes?”

“Nope! I’ll have to jot them down for you to follow. I keep all of them right in my head.” She taps her temple a few times.

“Does Savvy have them?”

“Savvy,” she chuckles and shakes her head. “I forgot you used to call her that. Sav knows every recipe as well as Donny and I. It’s in her blood. We make food and we eat. All you need in life is good food and family. Nothing else really matters.”

Chapter 9


Settling onto my couch for another long night of studying, I lean my head back, examining my ceiling. It’s weird to think that in a few weeks, I’ll be moving out of this place and going back home.

Chad and I haven’t really talked about what’s going to happen between us. He still has one more semester to go, but after that I have no clue what his plans are.

Chad isn’t the type of guy who maps out his future. He’s more of a day-to-day person. It drives me crazy, but you can't change people, not unless they want to change. Anyone who says you can is wrong. I have to accept him for who he is or find someone new.

The thought of Nixon filters through my head, making my face scrunch up. I can't think about him in that way anymore. He walked away from me, not the other way around. If he can go years without a word, what’s going to keep him from leaving me all over again?

I don’t want to fall in love just to have my heart ripped out because he decides he wants something different. I’ve been there, done that. Would not recommend. Nixon doesn’t know he broke my heart. He didn’t know about my long-time crush on him and at this point, I never plan on telling him.

Cracking open my notes and textbook, I tuck one leg under me, bringing the other up to rest my chin on. I scan my notes and quiz myself on one thing after another. I just need to make it through the next two days of classes and then I can have a break. I can do this.

My text tone goes off, making me jump. I'm not used to getting messages when I'm studying. Devon and Chad always know where I am. They do their best not to disrupt me when I have my nose buried in a book.

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