Page 47 of Stealing First

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“I think Danny has the hots for Macy and Charlie,” Wheeler mutters under his breath.

“Why?” I scowl in the direction of my head coach. If he goes anywhere near my girl, I’ll kill him.

“Because his panties have been stuck up his ass crack since the girls showed up. It’s getting annoying.”

“Imagine if he saw Liliana today.” I chuckle, knowing Smithy would lose his shit if Danny flirted with her.

I was smart. I staked my claim on Macy as soon as she stepped foot in the locker room. I knew exactly what would happen if I didn’t make it clear from the beginning Macy Hayes was mine.

“Damn, Smithy would lose it. I don’t even know where he is. Danny said something about Smithy having something to take care of, but I don’t know what.” Wheeler strokes the thick beard coming in on his jaw.

“I wonder what’s going on with him. Something has seemed off the last few days,” I mutter, trying to stay focused on practice. I don’t need Danny riding my ass for the rest of the week.

I zero in on Leo. He’s pitching to one of the rookie catchers and it’s been a struggle. I can spot the tension tightening his shoulders and the way he keeps rolling his neck. He needs to take a break and go see Charlie. He’s going to injure himself if he keeps this up.

“Hold up!” I yell as I jog to the pitcher’s mound.

“What the hell are you doing, Powell?” Danny growls as he drops his clipboard to his side and stomps towards us.

“What’s up, Cord?” Leo turns to face me. There’s a deep crease between his brows and he looks seconds away from punching a hole in someone’s face.

“Get off the field and go see Charlie. You’re too tense to be pitching.”

“I’m fine,” he growls.

“Your shoulder is tight,” I push a little harder. I don’t want to start an argument with him, but I will if I have to. Leo’s one of my best friends, I’m not going to let him hurt himself and affect his season like this.

“My shoulder is fine,” he says through clenched teeth. His jaw pulses as he clenches it tightly.

“Why are you messing up our practice, Powell?” Danny folds his arms over his chest and glares at me.

“Can you shut up for a minute and let me talk to Leo?” I’m typically more respectful of my coaches, but Danny’s getting on my nerves today. He’s been up my ass about every little thing I do and I know it’s because he’s pissed another hot woman slipped through his fingers.

Not my problem, asshole.

“Do you want to be benched for the first game?” He pushes me back a step and gets right in my face.

“Both of you back up,” Wyatt says sternly, appearing out of nowhere and places a hand on both of our chests. There’s no way he could prevent us from going after each other when he’s still on crutches, but it’s cute he’s trying.

“I’m fine, Cord. Just drop it,” Leo hisses.

“What are you talking about?” Wyatt steps closer. “I’m assuming Cord called you out on how you’re pitching?”

I nod my head, keeping my gaze locked on Leo’s glare. He can be as pissed as he wants, I don’t care at all.

“He’s right, Leo. I don’t know what’s going on inside of your head, but you need to get off the field and deal with it.”

“I'm not inside my head!” He growls as he squats and drops his glove and ball to the ground.

He runs rough hands through his hair and grips the back of his neck. I’ve never seen him this upset, but something is obviously bothering him.

I don’t hesitate for a second, I squat down next to him and place a hand on his back. He’s been one of my best friends for as long as I can remember. I’ll do whatever I can to help him.

“What’s bothering you?”

He shakes his head, his fingers digging into his skin a little bit more.

“Fine.” I roll my eyes. This is a long shot, but I could be right. “Who’s bothering you? Who’s fucking with your head?”

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