Page 38 of Stealing First

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“What?” I glance down at her hands, sure she must’ve hurt herself with the emotions passing over her face.

“I just… damn. I didn’t think my son had it in him to walk away. But if he’s saying he will, he means it. He wouldn’t joke around about something like this… What are you going to do?”

“I'm giving him the month, but I don’t know. We broke up for a reason and nothing has changed there. What makes me think we’ll be able to work this time?”

Carrie’s quiet for a few minutes as she continues working on dinner. Her and Owen do this when they want to think through a response. I love how they’re not quick to give their opinion or advice. They’d rather let their thoughts sit for a few minutes – or longer – before they say anything to you.

“At one time, Owen broke up with me because he knew I wanted a family and he wouldn’t be able to give me that. I was destroyed. I wanted him and I didn’t care what I had to give up to get him. Logan pointed out the same thing to him that Charlie pointed out to you. He had to be ok with watching me find my happily ever after with someone else. He wasn’t.”

“Cord can do so much better than me though,” I whisper, hating how vulnerable I feel.

“Why do you think that?”

“My own parents didn’t want me, Carrie. Why would Cord? He could have any woman in the world. What makes me special enough to be able to call him mine?” I stare up at the bright lights and blink rapidly. Anything to try to keep the tears at bay.

I hate feeling unworthy of a man who makes me feel so loved and cared for. What the hell is wrong with me?

Chapter 22


I freeze mid-step outside of the kitchen and listen. Mom and Macy are talking and I can hear the fear and sadness in Macy’s voice.

“He could have any woman in the world. What makes me special enough to be able to call him mine?”

Oh, baby, why can't you see yourself the way I see you?

“Macy,” Mom whispers. I hear her move around the counter and I peek around the corner to see her hugging my girl. “Sweetheart, I know exactly how you feel. I went through the same thing with Owen. He had so much to give. He was smart, successful, and the most handsome man I had ever seen.”

“He is pretty hot.” Macy chuckles as she swipes at her eyes.

“Don’t tell him that. That man doesn’t need a bigger ego. My point is, I saw the women he dated or hooked up with in the past and they were gorgeous. So much prettier than I could ever dream of being. I knew I couldn’t measure up and I didn’t see a point in trying. But do you know what I never took into consideration?”


“I was looking at myself through my own eyes. Owen was looking at me from his perspective. We’re our own worst judges, Macy. I thought Owen was perfect, yet he viewed himself as broken and unworthy of my love. You need to stop judging yourself and try to view yourself through Cord’s eyes because I guarantee you’re a hell of a lot different in his eyes than you are to yourself.”

I push off the wall and step into the kitchen. I'm done with this. I’m not going to let her keep examining herself when she doesn’t see her true worth.

“In Cord’s eyes she’s fucking perfect and no other woman would ever compete with her, which is why she doesn’t need to worry about some cleat chaser,” I growl as I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and rest my chin on the top of her head.

“You weren’t supposed to be listening to us.” Mom scowls and swats at me with a towel.

“I know, but I'm glad I decided to come check on Macy when I did.” I place my fingers under her chin and raise it until she’s staring up at me. “You’re everything to me, Mace. In my eyes, you’re my sunshine.”

I use the nickname Dad’s had for Mom since before they started dating. Macy understands how much Dad worships her and maybe if I compare her to Mom, she’ll begin to believe how I view her.

Her eyes fill with tears almost immediately and I can tell she’s finally understanding the depths of my feelings for her. I release her chin and spin her around to face me. Then, I duck down until we’re eye level.

“I love you, baby. It doesn’t matter what women might want me, because I only want you.” I slip my hand around to the nape of her neck and plant a firm kiss on her lips.

“Do you mind if we stop at my apartment on the way home? I want to grab something I need for work tomorrow. I forgot to grab it when I was packing at hyper speed.” Macy grins at me as I slip my fingers through hers and rests our joined hands on my thigh as I drive out of my parent’s driveway.

“No problem.”

When I pull up in front of her apartment, I put my car in park and hurry around to her side to help her out. If nothing else, my mama raised a gentleman.

I snake my arm around her waist and press a chaste kiss to her lips. I swear I haven’t been able to keep my hands to myself since I overheard her conversation with Mom. I feel like we’re finally on the same page and it feels magnificent.

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