Page 36 of Stealing First

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“Mace, what the hell are you doing living here?” I glance around at the water damage to her ceiling and the rusted baseboard heaters. It’s definitely not the worst apartment ever, but it isn't nice by any means.

“Not everyone is rich, Cord. I couldn’t afford anything else if I wanted to have any sort of savings in the bank.” She lifts her shoulder in a shrug and climbs on top of her bed so she can sort through the clothes in her closet. She must’ve removed the doors to her closet and pushed her bed right up to it.

She snags two hangers off the rod and tosses them on her bed. She doesn’t wait for me to leave the room for her to get changed. Instead, she grabs a new bra and panties out of her drawers and quickly strips everything off.

Her back is to me, but that doesn’t stop me from letting my gaze trail over every inch of her naked back side. If we didn’t need to get to work, I think we’d spend the entire morning in bed.

Within a few minutes she’s dressed in another sexy pencil skirt and blouse. She has her makeup done and is twisting her hair into some fancy updo.

“Can you grab those black heels off my dresser?” She mumbles around the bobby pins she has sticking out of her mouth.

I lift the red soled black heels into the air and arch a brow at her. If she can't afford a nicer apartment, how can she afford these shoes?

“Don’t give me that look, Cord. You bought me them.” She rolls her eyes.

“I forgot about that.” I chuckle at the memory of her opening the box. “You threw yourself into my arms and cried for thirty minutes. Then you yelled at me for spending too much money on you.”

“Well, they were expensive. Why do you think they live on my dresser and not on the floor of my closet?”

She holds onto my forearm as she slips the heels onto her feet, then she’s taking my hand and dragging me back towards the door.

“Wait. Grab a bag and pack some clothes.”

“For what?” Her brows draw together as she stares at me.

“Because I'm not staying here, but I want to sleep in bed with you every night for our month.”

“You’re such a spoiled princess.” She rolls her eyes again.

“You’re telling me if you got to choose between my house and your apartment, you’d rather stay here?”

“Absolutely not. This place is a hell hole and it smells like shit. I spend as little time as possible here.”

She tosses a bunch of clothing into a duffle bag and tosses it at my chest before filling another one.

“Are you packing for the whole month?” I tease her.

“If you’re offering, I’d happily not stay here for a whole month.” She grimaces as she glances around her apartment. “Hell, even if we decide not to date each other at the end of the month, I still might beg you to let me live with you and I’ll pay you rent. I hate this place… You have a spare bedroom, right?”

“You’re a mess. C’mon, we’re going to be late if we don’t leave now.”

I ignore her question and tug her towards the door. I know if I don’t get out of here fast, I'm going to volunteer to buy her a house, just so she doesn’t have to live here anymore.

Chapter 21


“Damn, I missed opening my door and finding you on my front porch.” Owen shakes his head with a big smile playing on his lips.

“Are you going to let me in or should I get comfy on this couch?” I motion to the piece of furniture that probably costs more than my rent for a few months.

“If you keep being a smartass, I might tell you to stay on the damn couch,” he grumbles under his breath.

“Owen, let them in,” Carrie hisses and swats at his chest.

“Yeah, Owen. Let me in.” I wiggle my brows, knowing I'm going to piss him off.

“You know, you’re my employee now. I could fire you. Especially considering I'm paying you almost four times the amount I should be, apparently.” He rolls his eyes and tries to hide his smirk, but he can't.

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