Page 21 of Stealing First

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“Clearly. Let’s just hope I can make ends meet now that I'm paying you so much.” He rolls his eyes.

“I'm fairly certain Sunshine makes enough money to keep food on the table.”

A loud knock on the door pulls our attention away from each other. I glance over my shoulder and find Cord standing in the threshold.

“Why aren’t you training, Cord? If this is how it’s going to be, I'm going to make her work from home.”

“I’ll just give a horrible interview and she’ll be forced to come in for damage control.” He grins when Owen’s eyes widen to a comical level.

“Don’t screw with me, son. I’m dealing with enough shit for letting go of Stubbs. Apparently, he’s already contacted some media outlets and he’s painting me in a pretty shitty picture.” Owen scrubs a hand down his face and groans. I'm sure he’s under a lot of pressure with everything he has on his plate.

“You, Danny, and Charlie met with Stubbs in your office to fire him, correct?” I pull a small notebook out of my bag and grab a pen.

“Yes, why?”

“Are you smart enough to have cameras in there?” I glance up and arch a brow at him.


“Awesome. I want the video files from the meeting.” I scribble something down on my paper.

“Why?” Owen asks again.

“Because Charlie told me Stubbs tried to go after her and you stopped him. If the video backs that up, I’ll conveniently leak it to the media and paint him in a worse light. If this asshole wants to play, let’s play. I'm not scared of him, I always win. By the end of this, you’ll look like a hero and Stubbs will be begging for people to glance in his direction. Charlie will look like a victim though… I’ll talk to her about that. Either way, I’ll fix it all. By the end of the week, the Pit Bulls will be known as the team who cares about their good employees and gets rid of the bad ones.”

“Wow, I'm not sure I’d ever want to play with you.” Owen rests his chin in the palm of his chin and watches me.

“I don’t know, playing with her was always my favorite thing to do.” Cord wiggles his eyebrows, flashing me a lopsided grin.

“Yeah, but do you always win when you play?” I arch a brow, totally screwing with him.

“Based on the noises coming out of you, I’d say I won.”

“Damn, this is going to be fun to watch,” Owen mutters under his breath as we go back and forth. “Cord, what are you here for anyway? You’ve done a mighty fine job of avoiding my question every time I ask.” He checks his watch before turning back to us.

“I wanted to ask my girlfriend to eat lunch with me.” He grins, knowing Owen’s going to get all excited for no reason.

“What did you just say?” Owen sits a little taller and pays a little more attention this time.

“Fake girlfriend,” I correct, pointing a finger at him.

“You’re fake dating? Why?”

“Because he’s afraid boys are going to flirt with me.” I stick out my bottom lip in a pout.

“Because it will keep me out of jail,” Cord mumbles under his breath.

“Well, I can't fight with that logic. If you go to jail, I’ll have to find two new players and I don’t feel like putting in that much work.” He stands and gathers his things. “Mace, if you could dress a little more like Charlie, you could really save us all from bad press.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I frown at him. How am I going to cause him to have any bad press?

“I view you like a daughter, sweetheart, even more than I do Charlie. If I hear a player talk about your ass or tits, I might end up in prison too. Sunshine wouldn’t like that.”

“Oh my Lanta! You two are being ridiculous.”

“Cover up the goods and we won't have to be this way.” Owen presses a kiss to the top of my head. “Make good choices,” he says before he exits the room, leaving me alone with Cord.

“Let’s go, babe.” Cord holds his hand out to me and as soon as I place my palm in his, he intertwines our fingers and leads me out of the office.

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