Page 18 of Stealing First

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Holy shit. When I saw Macy climb out of her Jeep, my tongue practically fell out of my mouth and rolled on the ground.

A tight black pencil skirt hugged her firm ass like a second skin. It reminded me of all the times I’ve gripped those hips as I made love to her. I swear I can still hear her moaning in my head and I can see the way her mouth falls open as pleasure rolls through her.

A form fitting blouse drapes over her breasts, showing off the lace camisole she’s wearing underneath it. Her heels are nude strappy things that make her legs look a mile long.

When she turned around to face me after I called her name, I was speechless. Her eyes are lined in thin black liner, making her honey-colored eyes stand out even more. Red stains her plump lips, making my mind stray to how many times she’d kiss my chest, just to leave a red lip mark there. I always complained, but I secretly loved it. Her dark hair is twisted into a complicated bun at the base of her neck, making her look gorgeous and professional. She’s absolutely breathtaking.

“Hide your dicks! My girl doesn’t want to see them!” I call out, not even bothering to hide my grin.

Macy’s eyes snap to mine and she chuckles, shaking her head. We both know why I just said that and the fact she hasn’t hit me yet is a good sign for me. A really good sign.

“I'm pretty sure she’s my girl.” Dad steps out of his office and holds his arms open.

Macy immediately runs into them and lets out a little squeal of happiness. I forgot how much the two of them love each other. They have such an odd relationship, but I’ve never been upset over it. I actually think it’s pretty amazing and I was lucky to have a woman in my life that my family adored so much.

“I missed you, Owen.” She hugs him as tightly as she can.

“I missed you too, sweetheart,” Dad says softly. He holds onto her until she takes a step back and brushes a wrinkle out of her skirt. “Holy shit. There are going to be more fights,” he groans.

“Fights about what?” Macy frowns up at him, making me chuckle under my breath.

“Over you. We barely survived the Charlie fights without someone having lifelong damages and now we’re going to start all over again. You didn’t even give me a chance to recover! Wyatt’s still on crutches! Wait… didn’t he get hurt yesterday? I feel like I’ve aged at least twenty years since then with the meetings I’ve had to attend to get Stubbs off my damn team.” He scrubs a hand down his face and shakes his head.

“Ah, I see you’re still as dramatic as ever.” Macy beams up at him.

He stares at her for a solid ten seconds before a slow smile spreads across his face. It’s genuine and full of joy.

“Sometimes I forget how much I love you.”

“Uh, oh! You better not say that or Sunshine might hear you,” she singsongs.

“Ew, don’t make it weird for Cord. He’ll feel the need to try to stand up to me and put me in my place, though he won't be able to, and it will be awkward for both of us. Are you really going to pit father and son against each other? And let’s be real here for a second.” He cocks his head to the side and gives her a really look. “You’re beautiful, gorgeous really, but you’ve got nothing on my Sunshine. Not in my eyes at least. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, will ever come between me and her.”

“Damn, I'm glad I don’t need to worry. Going through a messy divorce doesn’t sound fun. Who gets the chickens if we do that?” Mom steps into the room and gives me a quick hug. “Hey, sweetie. How are you?”

“I'm good, Ma. What are you doing here?”

“Oh, just checking on my husband and making sure he isn't doing anything stupid like flirting with my son’s ex-girlfriend.” She smirks. “How are you, Macy?” She wraps Macy in her embrace and doesn’t let go for a long moment. They’re whispering back and forth, but I can't hear what they’re saying.

When they take a step away from each other, I swear there are tears in Macy’s eyes, but she turns away from me before I can make sure.

“You should come over for dinner soon. I’d love to catch up with you.” Mom rubs a hand up and down Macy’s back like a loving mother. She’s always been the best mom we could ask for and her love has spread to our friends for as long as I can remember.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” Macy nibbles on her bottom lip and glances my way.

“Why? Because of this one?” She points in my direction. “Nah, he’s not an issue. The boy would still follow you around with his tongue hanging out if you let him.” She waves off any concerns.

“Wow, thanks so much, Ma. What would I do without you?” I deadpan.

“Well, for starters, you wouldn’t be alive.” Dad shrugs.

“Especially in this outfit,” Mom continues, pretending Dad and I aren’t even around. “Jeez, I forgot how much I love your fashion sense. Maybe part of your job will have to be going shopping with me.”

“Done! I’ll add it to the job description.” Dad nudges Macy aside so he can get to Mom. I swear the man has an issue. If Mom’s near, he needs to be touching her in some way. “Now, what are you really doing here, Sunshine?”

“You left before I woke up and I don’t like starting my day without seeing you, so I figured I’d stop by on my way to my meeting with some clients. I have six houses to show them and honestly, it’s probably going to take me until dinner to be finished. They inspect everything and I get it, your house is your biggest asset, but this is why you hire an inspector. You don’t need to google everything yourself, then fight over which site is giving you correct information.” She sighs and glances at her watch.

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