Page 67 of Three Single Wives

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Anne shrugged one shoulder. “That’s what happens when you’ve got nothing to lose.”


Defense: When did your relationship with Roman Tate turn sour, Ms. Sands?

Penny Sands: A few weeks after it turned great.

Defense: And what was the turning point of your short-lived relationship?

Penny Sands: That damn pink line.

Defense: Please be more specific.

Penny Sands: I took a pregnancy test, and it turned out positive. Specific enough?


Five Months Before

September 2018

Damn it!” Penny chirped happily as one of many millions of Angeleno drivers swooped in front of her to steal the only parking space left on the block. “Idiot! Asshole!”

Whistling a cheerful tune, Penny pulled around the offending vehicle, offering an altogether pleasant middle finger as she sailed around the idiot driver in search of a new spot. Penny doubted anyone had ever been as happy as she to be shouting obscenities at random strangers. But her upbeat outbursts could mean only one thing: she’d bought herself a car.

It had been a few weeks since she’d first gone to bed with Roman Tate. Ever since that evening, they’d been spending several nights a week together back where it’d all started. Picturing her life together with Roman once he was truly free was Penny’s new favorite pastime.

She dreamed about spending every evening twined around him. Lounging in bed on weekend mornings together as they sipped steaming coffee and basked under fresh sunlight. Their midnights would be filled with joyful whispers. Maybe one day, they’d even start a family.

In addition to her blossoming relationship with Roman, Penny’s job at the casting company had held steady. A small miracle. Between that and the cash she’d squirreled away babysitting the Wilkes children, tacked on top of the paltry savings from her bank account, she’d managed to procure a Cadillac from the seventies that had more yacht in its DNA than car.

But Penny didn’t care that it was next to impossible to park her new ride with a less-than-thirteen-point turn or that she needed to start right-hand turns a block early. Nor did she care that the paint was peeling and patches of rust tore at its skin with sharp, invasive fingernails. She definitely ignored the untalented patch job done over blemishes that suspiciously resembled bullet holes.

Penny Sands was damn proud of her car.

It represented her freedom in a whole new city. She’d moved with nothing across the country, and now she had something. She had an apartment, a job, a car…a sort of a boyfriend. Or a man-friend, really. Roman was mature and established. He knew what he was doing; he’d proved that and then some.

Whistling, Penny cruised around the block several times, earning side-eye glances from several passersby about the state of her car. She smiled brightly back. When she finally found an open slot, she eased into it with the grace of a buffalo, overly cautious not to add another dent to her precious vehicle. As she fed quarters to a hungry meter, she studied her car with the adoration of a new mother.

Nobody could ruin her bliss this evening. She had class under Roman’s tutelage, and they were going out for drinks after—alone. Penny was sure they’d retire to her apartment once drinks had been drunk. Just the thought sent a thrill through her bones.

But Penny’s luck seemed to be running out. As she locked her car door manually, she looked up to find Ryan Anderson climbing out of his vehicle just across the street. He raised a hand and waved. It was too late to pretend she hadn’t seen him, though she flirted with the idea of feigning she’d forgotten something in her car. Instead, she waved back.

“Hey, Ryan,” she said after he’d dodged traffic and joined her on the sidewalk. “How’s it going?”

“I see you got a car.” He nodded at her beast of a vehicle. “Congrats. The babysitting gig working out for you?”

“Babysitting?” Penny fell into step beside Ryan as they moved toward the acting studio. “How’d you know I took a babysitting job?”

“I don’t remember.” Ryan scratched at his forehead. “Didn’t you tell me?”

Penny racked her brain but couldn’t possibly remember when she’d have told Ryan, but he’d obviously found out somehow. “Well, it’s paying the bills, and the kids are cute. What about you? Any new gigs lately?”

Now that Penny had a real man by her side, she felt a bit bad about dropping Ryan so quickly. Her thoughts were much kinder about him than they’d been before. Then again, everything seemed a little brighter now that she had Roman.

“Bit parts here and there, nothing to write home about.” He gave her a faint smile. “Say, I know you’ve been busy these last few weeks, but I was thinking, maybe if you’re available…” Ryan trailed off, his eyes calculating as he looked at Penny.

She returned his gaze with a sad smile. “I’m sorry,” Penny muttered. “I should have told you sooner. I met someone.”

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