Page 46 of Three Single Wives

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She spent the next half hour carefully unpacking the gorgeous, gorgeous supplies that would feed a king for a month. As she delicately washed raspberries and daintily plucked grapes off their vines, she felt optimistic for the first time in weeks. He cared for her. He must, or else why would he have left her a bag of groceries that had cost well over a hundred dollars?

There was the small chance Roman would have done the same thing for anyone—offered a ride, gifted groceries, made light banter in the car. But was that actually true? If it were Ryan Anderson he’d run into in the store, would Roman have offered him a ride home and teased him about being invited upstairs?

Penny popped a grape into her mouth and chewed.

She thought not.


Prosecution: Mr. Anderson, please tell us about your relationship with Penny Sands.

Ryan Anderson: Well, I noticed Penny the day she walked into class. I don’t think she noticed me, though. Not that I was surprised. I mean, she’s gorgeous, and I’m just…well, me.

Prosecution: What made her start noticing you?

Ryan Anderson: I asked her on a date a few weeks into class.

Prosecution: And she accepted?

Ryan Anderson: She sure did. We went out a few times.

Prosecution: Did you ever have sex with Ms. Sands?

Ryan Anderson: Do I have to answer that?

The Court: Yes.

Ryan Anderson: We slept together a couple of times. It was great. Penny’s great. We were starting to care about one another, so don’t get any ideas about her being easy.

Prosecution: You started to care for Ms. Sands?

Ryan Anderson: Yeah, I did. I really liked her. What’s not to like? She’s cute, sweet, fun. Not enough of that out here in Hollywood.

Prosecution: Did Penny reciprocate your feelings?

Ryan Anderson: I think so.

Prosecution: Why did the two of you stop seeing each other?

Ryan Anderson: It was her choice. She started dating someone else.

Prosecution: Did you know who?

Ryan Anderson: Not at the time. I obviously know now.

Prosecution: Were there any hard feelings between the two of you?

Ryan Anderson: Nope. There weren’t then, and there aren’t now. At least as far as I know.

Prosecution: You studied under Roman Tate as well, didn’t you?

Ryan Anderson: That’s where we met.

Prosecution: What did you think of him?

Ryan Anderson: I thought he was talented. But apparently the real talent was his wife.

Prosecution: What makes you say that?

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