Page 38 of Three Single Wives

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“Oh, I don’t want to be a bother. I can catch the bus.”

“It’s not a problem.” Mark flicked his keys around his palm. “I didn’t even pull the car into the garage.”

“Actually, I was going to meet a friend for a drink near Beverly Hills. If it’s not too much trouble, I would really appreciate a lift.”

“Gah, to be young and single again!” Anne gave a tittering laugh, then winked at her husband. “I’m kidding of course. Have a great time. Are we still on for Saturday, Penny?”

“Saturday it is,” Penny said. “Do you want me to bring anything?”

Anne waved a hand. “Just come over for breakfast, and if you don’t mind sitting outside, you and I can chat while the kids play at the park across the street.”

“It’s a date,” Penny said.

Mark gave a peck on the cheek to Anne, then gestured for Penny to follow him outside.

Penny hugged her purse against her side, wincing when the bag of chips crinkled audibly. Luckily, Anne was halfway up the stairs and Mark had one foot out the door, so neither of them noticed. She had to be more careful. She was slipping in her old age.

Once in the car, Penny and Mark managed polite small talk until halfway through the drive. Penny was content to stare out the window and let her thoughts on the evening percolate, but Mark wouldn’t leave well enough alone.

“I’m a little worried about Anne.”

“Oh?” Penny murmured.

“I know you’ve been spending some time with her and the kids lately, and I was wondering if you noticed anything different about her.”

“Noticed what exactly?”

“Oh, I don’t know. She just seems a little nervous or on edge. Maybe something’s bothering her? I thought maybe she’d confide in a girlfriend.”

“I’m honestly surprised to hear that. The two of you seemed pretty cozy tonight.”

“I love her more than anything,” Mark said. “She’s just a tricky one to pin down.”

Penny was again thrown for a loop by Mark’s comments. Anne seemed as easy to pin down as anyone. She was a mom to four kids with a squeaky-clean police officer husband. What possible skeletons could be in her closet? Besides the odd bottle of Grey Goose.

“She seems okay,” Penny said. “I guess she hasn’t told me anything to raise my hackles.”

“I’m sure I’m imagining it,” Mark said hastily. “Sorry to have asked.”

“No, it’s fine. Actually, this is good right here.”

Penny gestured to a random street corner in the heart of Beverly Hills. There were a few restaurants winking at her with their lights despite the lateness of the hour. Any one of them would do.

“Anne’s got friends who live over here,” Mark said easily. “I suppose you know them? Roman and Eliza?”

“They referred me to you,” Penny said. “Are you good friends with them?”

“Anne and Eliza are the real friends. I just tag along.”

“Do you know Roman?”

“Just peripherally. Interesting fellow. Why?”

“No reason. Anyway, thanks for the ride.”

“Sure,” Mark said. “Is your friend here? I can wait until you find him. Or her.”

“I see her inside,” Penny said. “Drive home safely. Good night to you and Anne.”

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