Page 36 of Three Single Wives

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“Eliza Tate PR doesn’t do things like everyone else. We’ll have the social sites buzzing early,” Eliza said. “That’s one of the perks of signing with me. As my first client, you’ll be my absolute top priority. I am throwing all my eggs in your basket, Marguerite.”

“Go on.”

“I believe in you so much that I’m willing to gamble my career on it. I want to help you further your dreams of helping others.”

“How do you plan on helping me help others?”

Eliza cleared her throat, took a delicate sip of wine. Then looked Marguerite in the eye. “By selling a shitload of your books.”

Marguerite sat back in her seat and raised her glass. “Show me where to sign.”

Eliza grinned.

Marguerite tipped her wineglass toward Eliza. “No time to waste. Get out that binder, will you? Take notes. I want to get started. This launch party must be the place to be. I want paparazzi. Influencers. Can we get Reese there? Maybe one of her producers?”

“I’ll take care of it.”

Eliza pulled out her binder as instructed, brazenly opening the cover to reveal a sheaf of blank pages three-hole punched and shoved inside. She watched with pleasure as understanding clicked in Marguerite’s eyes.

“Oh, you cocky little bitch.” Marguerite drained her glass. “You didn’t have a plan at all.”

“No, but I have this.” Eliza slipped a single-page document from the back folder of the binder. She slid it over, waiting while Marguerite skimmed the contract that would exclusively hitch Marguerite’s wagon to Eliza’s for the next year. Unabashed, Eliza slid a pen across the table.

Marguerite reached for it. Toying with the pen, she took the cover off and, with a faint click, clipped it on the back end. She eyed Eliza carefully.

“We’re going to do great things together, you and I,” Eliza said. “I can promise—nobody can stop us.”


Defense: Detective Wilkes, how well do you know Penny Sands?

Mark Wilkes: Well enough, I suppose. She babysat the kids for a while. She got to be good friends with Anne through the babysitting gig. They hung around these last few months. Sometimes Penny would have dinner at our house or whatever.

Defense: Do you have Ms. Sands’s number on your phone?

Mark Wilkes: I do.

Defense: Have you ever texted her?

Mark Wilkes: Sure. To set up babysitting times, check in on the kids when we were out, that sort of thing. She’d send pictures when Anne and I were at dinner of the kids in their jammies. Cute stuff like that.

Defense: What about texting conversations that weren’t about the children?

Mark Wilkes: I was only friends with Penny through Anne. We never hung out without my wife. Unless I drove her home or something.

Defense: But did you ever send a text message that wasn’t a logistical babysitting question?

Mark Wilkes: I guess, maybe a few times.

Defense: What sorts of things would you text about?

Mark Wilkes: I don’t know. We weren’t… It wasn’t inappropriate if that’s what you’re asking. You can check my phone records. I’m sure you have already, so you should know.

Defense: Did you ever discuss your wife in these messages?

Mark Wilkes: Sure, but just to check on her.

Defense: Were you concerned about Mrs. Wilkes?

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