Page 91 of Lucky Score

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The box is too heavy for me to shake her hand, but Seven grips the bin and pulls it effortlessly out of my hand before I can decline.

"I'll take this to the kitchen for you," he says and heads for the back door, where the busboy is already loading and unloading the dishwasher before the dinner rush.

"Oh… uh, thank you," I tell him, but he's already halfway across the restaurant in seconds.

It's almost as if he was looking for an excuse to leave.

"Hi, I'm Brynn," I say.

"It's nice to meet you finally. I'm Cammy. I've heard a lot about you. You're the woman who's been sleeping at my uncle's place, right?" Cammy smiles at Rita, and now I know where the informant came from.

"What?" I hear the blonde woman beside Cammy say, her face scrunching up a little.

Certainly, if the woman is here to see Seven, Cammy's comment could seem a little jarring.

"That was a misunderstanding. I got scammed out of renting his house, and then he generously let me stay until Rita found a spot for me here."

"Hi, we haven't met yet. I'm Josslin, Cammy's mom and Seven's fiancé—"

"Ex-fiancé," I hear Seven say as he makes steps toward us on his way back from the kitchen. "And I think sister-in-law is the title you settled on almost twenty years ago, if I'm not mistaken."

This is the woman he told me about last night?

"You still proposed marriage to me once, or have you forgotten."

Cammy and Rita both send Josslin sideways looks.

"No Josslin. I haven't forgotten any of the things you did in our past," he says.

There's almost a threat in his eyes, and she crosses her arms over her busty chest as if she's upset that he called her out.

Well, that confirms it. This is the woman who broke Seven's heart.

Why didn't he mention last night that Josslin was coming, too? I guess it's none of my business.

There's a pang of jealousy that shoots through me at the thought that the woman before me used to hold that much power over him, especially when I'm merely the woman he regrets spending the night with.

Josslin is the polar opposite of me. She has long blonde hair, is tall, and has a perfect body. She's Daniel's usual type as well, and she's nothing like my short five-foot-four stature and brown hair.

"You three came for food, so let's get you seated, shall we?" Rita says.

The three of them follow Rita to another table, and I watch as Josslin attempts to sit next to Seven on one side of the booth, but he narrowly escapes and decides to sit with Cammy on the other bench, leaving Josslin on her own.

I'm grateful when I notice that my shift is almost over, and I won't have to find busy work around the restaurant while we wait for the dinner rush to start.

I head back to the kitchen to see if I can help with the dishes, but everything is about caught up.

"You can take off a little early if you want. Everything is looking good in the back. You can head upstairs and get some writing done if you want," Marie says, walking into the back with the receipts from the lunch rush that ended a couple of hours ago.

"I think I'll take you up on that."

With only a week left, it's crunch time to finish this book. And avoiding the possibility of running into Seven again tonight is appealing all on its own.

I clock out and head back up to the apartment, sending a quick text to Sheridan.

Brynn: Wrote 6,000 words last night.

Sheridan: How's it going with Seven?

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