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The only person I didn't see downstairs was Seven… but I guess we already said our goodbyes.

What more is there to say?

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I wake to the sound of my phone ringing.


Reads over the screen.

"Hello?" I say, my voice groggy with sleep.

"Morning, did I wake you?" she asks in her chipper voice.

"I'm up now, what's up?" I ask, looking over at the clock that reads just after five in the morning.

I'd usually be up around now if I were going to a morning run but with what happened yesterday, I gave myself today off. Besides, in less than a week, I'll be back in Seattle and my workout regimen with the guys to resume its usual scheduling.

"I need a favor," she asks.

"I figured since you're calling so early."

I sit up in bed and sling my comforter off my bed. Whatever it is, I'll likely have to be dressed for it.

"I told Brynn that I would take her to the airport this morning but there's an emergency at the restaurant and I need to go down and check it out with Miguel."

Take Brynn to the airport?

That doesn't seem like the best idea after our conversation yesterday.

"What's the emergency? Maybe it would be better that I stay and take care of that and you can take Brynn to the airport."

"It's a supplier issue and the owner only likes to deal with me. I have a softer touch than Miguel… and you two minutes with you and the owner would shut down our accounts."

I'm not always an asshole and I can be charming when I want to be but since this is connected to the livelihood of the restaurant, I don't want to risk it.

"Yeah, sure, I'll take her," I say, standing up and heading to my closet.

Seeing her again before she leaves probably isn't good for my mental health.

Leaving her in the sand yesterday took everything I had not to beg and plead with her to reconsider taking a chance on me. But I swore after Josslin that I'd never let myself be someone's second choice again.

If her belief to my indifference toward having a serious and committed relationship is the only thing keeping me out of the top spot, I'd do anything that's asked of me to prove that I can commit to her… that I'd give her anything and everything she wants.



A house with a white picket fence.

A minivan with a stick figure family on the back.

She'd get it all, and then some.

"I knew I could count on you. You're the best," she says. "And don't forget to pick up Daniel on your way through as well, Ok? Bye."

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