Page 168 of Dare You To Love Me

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With the lights out, the dark living room was quiet except for our breathing. Matty had been in my life for only a few weeks, but it felt so much longer than that. What happened if our parents forced us apart?

In the darkness, Matty said, “I think that went well.”

“I think so, too. I’m glad the videos are destroyed. And,” I said, shuddering, “I’m relieved they weren’t, you know, gross videos.”

Joan was right. The videos I witnessed were not salacious, not like Matty’s Cockaine Party video—it was a catchy term and probably something he’d never live down—but were instead the kind where Matty’s teammates were doing stupid shit. Several of Matty’s teammates were on scholarship. The quickest way to jeopardize that was to give the university a reason to kick them off the roster.

“So,” Matty started. It wasn’t difficult to detect the uncertainty in his voice. “You’re, uh, not mad about what I did in my video, are you?”

There was a strong desire within me to tease Matty about it. Watching Matty snort cocaine off that escort’s impressive cock was certainly something I never thought I’d witness, but then again, watching him perform oral sex on the same man sent a little jolt of awareness to my own groin.

That didn’t mean I wanted to watch Matty do that in real life. I didn’t know Matty when the video was made, but it was still kinda hot, too. It was difficult to explain.

“Um, Ciaran?” Matty prompted when I didn’t answer right away.

“No, I’m not mad,” I said. “Just don’t get any ideas when it’s my birthday party.”

Matty let out a relieved laugh. “And you’re okay with the arrangement I made with Zoey? I know we discussed it but I wanted to check in about that.”

There was a note of nervousness in his voice. Matty wasn’t used to being insecure like this.

“Yes,” I said and meant it. “Whether I like it or not, you’re in the public eye, Matty. You have a certain role to play, and Zoey, for the next few months, will be part of that role. It’s clear to me that she realizes nothing will develop romantically between the two of you. It’s a professional relationship at its core.”

He laced our fingers together. “Thanks, Ciaran. You are perfect.”

“You’re pretty great yourself.” I tucked one of his wayward strands of hair off his forehead and he leaned into the action. “Do you think Stefon will take action against your coach? Is there, like, a billionaire avengers club where you guys work together to rid the world of scum and make it a better place?”

Matty smiled. “There’s definitely a billionaire’s club where conversations can have a big impact on a lot of people. My dad will absolutely destroy Coach’s reputation.”

He shifted his body by placing one of his legs over the top of mine, scooting even closer. Matty’s physical affection filled me with happy endorphins. Yes, I was tired, achy, and anxious about our parents’ return, but having Matty beside me made me feel so much better.

“Does this billionaire’s club get together to discuss charitable donations?” I asked.

I could almost feel his smirk in the darkness. “I’m not sure, but it’s not a bad idea, Ciaran. Do you think it’s something you’d want to talk to our parents about? Like, join forces with them to donate money to causes important to you? I bet Dante would be interested in seeing how he could help.” Matty studied my face. “It may be dark in here, but I can see the gleam in your eyes. You’re already thinking of all the ways to give away the Vaulteneau wealth.”

He wasn’t wrong. I squeezed his hand. “You know me so well.”

Matty leaned over and pressed his lips softly to mine. When I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss, his tongue licked at mine, and a growl escaped my throat. The scrape of his five o’clock shadow on my jaw was rough and delightful.

Memories of last night flooded my mind. Fire shot down my spine and into my cock, which sprang to life in my pants.

“Keep kissing me like that, babe,” Matty moaned, “and you can give all my money away.” Matty crawled into my lap and straddled my hips. “God, I want to be inside you again,” he breathed into my lips.

The bulge in his track pants left nothing to the imagination as he rubbed up against me.

I hissed as waves of pleasure soared through my bloodstream. My hands were at his hips, squeezing tight, as I rocked him into me.

“Your timing is shit, Matty,” I said with a small laugh as I nipped at his chin. “Our parents are going to walk through that door soon. I don’t think we want them finding out about us with your cock buried deep in my ass.”

My dick throbbed at the image rolling in my head.

“Fuck that’s hot.” Still grinding against me, Matty moved to my neck, his tongue lapping at the sore spots already covered with his handiwork from last night. “It’d be worth it, Ciaran.”

Jesus, the mental image of Matty fucking me on this couch made my head spin. I was almost ready to agree with him when the voice of reason came roaring back like hammers to the head.

The voice of reason was the ding of two text messages, one from each of our phones that lay on the coffee table several feet away.

My stomach sank. “That probably means the plane landed.”

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