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My chest tightens, fear and wonder warring within me. I've never needed anyone the way I need her. Never wanted to claim someone so completely, body and soul.

"I love you too, bella," I confess as I tighten my arms around her soft curves possessively.

And I vow here and now that I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.


. . .


I freeze as the office door slams open, nearly hitting the wall. Luca storms out, his face a mask of fury. His piercing blue eyes lock onto mine, and I feel a shiver run down my spine.

"We need to talk," he growls, stalking towards me. "Now."

My heart races as I follow him into his private study, the click of the lock echoing like a gunshot. He paces the room like a caged panther, his muscles coiled with tension.

"There's a traitor in our midst," Luca snarls, slamming his fist on the mahogany desk. "Someone I trusted, working for those bastards."

Fear grips me, both for him and for us. Matteo most of all. I step closer, wanting to comfort him, but he holds up a hand.

"I can't trust anyone, Dana. Anyone except you." His voice softens slightly, but the intensity remains. "You're the only one I know is loyal."

He cups my face, his calloused thumb grazing my cheek. I lean into his touch, craving his strength, his protection.

"I won't let anything happen to you or Matteo," Luca vows fiercely. "You're mine, and I protect what's mine."

Possessiveness rolls off him in waves, enveloping me. I know I should bristle at his claim, but a thrill rushes through me instead.

"Stay close to me, Dana. Don't go anywhere without my permission." His grip tightens, emphasizing his command. "I need to keep you safe."

Part of me wants to argue, to assert my independence. But the vulnerability in his eyes, the desperation in his touch, silences my protests.

"I'll stay with you, Luca," I whisper, surrendering to his will. "I trust you to protect me."

Relief flashes across his face before the hard mask slams back into place. He nods curtly, releasing me.

"Good. Go to Matteo. Don’t leave his side. Now I need to find this traitor and deal with them." His tone promises violence, retribution.

Whoever the traitor is…I’m afraid even God won’t be able to save them from Luca’s wrath when he finds them.


I stalk through the estate grounds, a cold rage simmering in my veins. The traitor thinks he can hide from me, but he's a fool. I know every inch of this property, every shadow, every secret.

My men drag forward a sniveling wretch, one of the new hires for the gardens. He cowers before me, his face already bruised and bloody. They found him trying to escape, to slither away like the snake he is.

"Please, Don Romano, I didn't have a choice! They threatened my family!" he blubbers, groveling at my feet.

I crouch down, grabbing his jaw in a vise grip. "You work for me. Your loyalty is to me. And you betrayed that loyalty."

I nod to my men. They haul him to the tool shed, a soundproofed room I had installed for precisely this purpose. I roll up my sleeves methodically as he pleads and begs. I'll get the truth out of him, find out everything he told the rival family. And then I'll ensure he never betrays anyone again.

Hours later, I'm wiping blood from my hands when Marco bursts in, his face pale with alarm. "Boss, we have a situation-"

"Not now," I growl, still focused on the whimpering traitor at my feet.

"It's Dana," Marco blurts out. "They've taken her."

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