Page 62 of Velvet Vendetta

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“Eleven weeks,” Urie tells me.

“I saw her yesterday.” I’m surprised. “Wouldn’t she have started to show?”

“She has rounded a bit more,” Urie assures me.

I nod. “Do you want me to talk to Sasha?”

“No!” Urie shakes his head. “That is for me to do as the child’s father. I would’ve liked to have been married to his daughter before we announced it, though.”

“I’m sorry, Urie.” I shake my head. “The past eight weeks have been a nightmare for all of us.” I rub my face. “I can get a judge to perform a court marriage for you.”

“Thank you.” Urie looks relieved. “I will speak to Olga.”

“Remember, Sasha will want to be involved,” I caution. “He’ll likely insist on another ceremony and a traditional wedding.”

“Yes, I know,” Urie says. “But at least I will have done right by the woman I love and her frightening father.”

“I must admit to being glad Sasha is not my father-in-law!“ I laugh, thinking that mine is not much better.

“Maybe we should get Sasha to deal with Konstantin.” Urie jokes.

“I’ve already spoken to Sasha.”

“Oh?” Urie looks at me in surprise. “I didn’t know Sasha was on the team tracking Konstantin.”

“He isn’t,” I tell Urie, although I’m not going to tell Urie who I have Sasha keeping an eye on. However, I am glad I omitted Urie from that list now—that would’ve complicated things.

“I think maybe he should be,” Urie presses.

“Sasha’s exact words to me were: ‘fuck, if Konstantin’s here, you’d better tell Marco and Ivan to get their affairs in order and make peace with their maker. I want to see my daughter married, so count me out. I don’t want to be the fool standing between Konstantin and his prey.’”

“Jesus, that’s serious.” Urie’s face drops and his eyes widen in disbelief. “If the Polar Bear is unwilling to intervene…”

“He’s not unwilling, just cautious,” I clarify. “He specifically asked to be left out of this one. In any case, I have other plans for him right now. So you and Olga need to get this sorted. I need everyone fully committed and focused.”

“I’ll speak to Olga and confirm a date for the court marriage,” Urie nods. “It’ll ease her mind.”

“Urie, in the future, come to me immediately,” I advise firmly. “Family comes first.”

There’s a flicker in his eyes again, fleeting yet noticeable. Is that guilt? I shake my head. Perhaps I’m just being paranoid with everything that’s been going on, but something doesn’t sit right in my gut.

As Urie leaves my office, my phone rings—it’s James. “Hello.”

“Andrey, we have a problem,” James tells me. “Marco and your father are missing.”


“And you’d better get to Boston General,” James tells me.


“Marco and Ivan’s bodyguards…” James pauses. “Shit, just get here.”

“On my way.” I hang up and grab my jacket, phone, and keys to start heading out the door of Belov Industry offices, located above the Velvet Lounge when I run into my mother. “Mom?”

My eyes widen in alarm when I see how pale she is, and blood is dripping from her forehead.

“Andrey.” My mother’s voice is barely a whisper as she staggers forward.

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