Page 56 of Velvet Vendetta

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“I should’ve asked.”

“You did,” she points out. “We were the ones that didn’t tell you the truth when we answered.”

“We’re going to talk around in circles,” I say. “Let’s move away from my boohoos and onto how you found out about my engagement and when?”

“I was nearly nineteen, and I found out about your engagement when I fell in love with and eloped with the Belov you were supposed to marry!”

Chapter 20


“Was EVERYTHING a fucking lie?” I rage and instantly feel lightheaded again. Pushing my head back against the cushions, I feel the blood drain from my face.

“Jesus, Stacy!” I hear Pavel hiss. “Couldn’t you have eased her into that?”

Even though I never hear the giant move, I know he’s standing close. I can smell the hint of mint and vanilla from his aftershave. These days, I can smell the roses on the dining room table down the hall because I have the nose of a bloodhound.

“How do you ease someone into that?” Stacy argues with him.

“I think that’s enough for today,” Pavel orders. “Fuck. Konstantin will blow his top if anything happens to his sister.”

“And my friend deserves to finally know the truth,” Stacy tells him. “All of it!”

“You’re putting me in a bad position here,” Pavel tells her.

“I’ve been in a bad position since I made a deal with the fucking devil when I was thirteen.“ Stacy’s voice rises. “I’ve lied to my friend and tricked her. I’m done. Today, I’ll tell her everything I know.”

“I can’t let you do that.” Pavel’s voice has taken on a low warning growl.

“Try to stop me,” Stacy dares him.

“Stop it!” I lift my head and open my eyes. “Pavel, please leave us.”

“I can’t do that,” he tells me.

“Then move back to your corner.” My teeth are gritted, and my eyes are narrow as I stare down at the giant.

He nods and looks at Stacy. “Keep it to your part.”

“I will,” Stacy promises with a nod.

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“Konstantin would like to tell you certain things himself,” Pavel tells me.

“Which is only fair because it’s his story to tell,” Stacy backs up Pavel.

I push the anger rising in me down once again and nod in agreement. “Fine.”

“No more fainting.” Pavel’s eyes search mine. “It’s not good for you or the baby.”

“I can’t promise that, but I promise to try to keep my emotions in check,” I tell Pavel.

“Fine.” He nods and points to the position where he stands guard. “I’ll be over there.”

“You’re married?” I gape at Stacy as soon as Pavel has moved away.

“Widowed.” Stacy’s eyes darken. “And in full disclosure, I haven’t lived at my parent’s house since the night I met my late husband.”

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