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“That’s unfortunate because I didn’t get to have lunch today, and she wasn’t lying. This is my favourite restaurant.”

“Okay, well then, I have one thing going for me. If this is your favorite place, then you can recommend something.”

I smiled. “Sure can.”

He picked up the menu and opened it up, placing it between us on the table. “I’m going to have the lobster bisque and a salad. They have the best lobster bisque I’ve ever had.”

Hudson made a face. “You actually eat those?”

I giggled. “I do. Have you ever tried one?”

He nodded. “I have. I prefer my meat to come from the land, not the sea.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, well then I’d say you need to try either the tenderloin or the New York strip. They are both equally amazing, and their double baked potatoes are to die for because, unlike other restaurants, they actually use real bacon and this cheese…god, I’m almost salivating just thinking about it.”

“Here I thought you were drooling over me,” Hudson said, a grin coming to his lips.

I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw that smile.

“Okay there, handsome pants, you get to pick the appetizer.” I winked.

His eyes landed on mine, and for the first time, I noticed just how blue they were.

“She called me handsome,” he said, puffing out his chest.

I couldn’t help but giggle as he finally tore his eyes from mine and looked down at the menu. “Okay, how about the cheddar and bacon pinwheels?”

I shook my head. “Those are disgusting. Try again.”

He chuckled and glanced at the menu again. “Alright, how about the warm brie, with apple and pear?”

“Better choice.” I smiled.

We both dug into the appetizer once it had been delivered to the table.

“Okay, you were right,” Hudson said, his mouth full as he took the first bite. “This is to die for.”

“Told you,” I replied, my mouth full as well. “So tell me, how the hell you get roped into tonight?” I questioned, loading up another piece of garlic toast.

Hudson chuckled. “Well, you know Maya. She doesn’t let up, and that sidekick of hers, well, he isn’t any better.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Hudson was right. Maya was unstoppable once she had an idea, always had been.

“Anyway, I don’t mind. It’s turning out to be a good night, with wonderful company.” He winked.

My cheeks heated as I took another bite of that sinful appetizer. I listened to Hudson talk about Maya’s ambush, laughing at almost everything he said. It was the first time in months I’d felt this light. It was a welcome feeling and one I wasn’t sure I wanted to have end.

When my soup and salad was done, I sat there and watched as Hudson still worked on his New York strip.

“You still hungry?” he questioned.

“No, why?” I said, shaking my head.

“Because you look like you might attack my plate. The soup and salad looked more like appetizer size than meal size.” Without another word, he cut the rest of his steak and potato in half and placed them on his slide plate.

“What are you doing?” I questioned.

He placed the plate in front of me. “Eat up.” He winked.

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