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“Well, that is a first that you didn’t drink that puppy down. It is your favourite, just so you know. I’m done trying to get you to drink the drier stuff.” He winked, sitting down beside me.

“It’s not that,” I said.

“Just not in the mood for wine tonight?” he asked, brushing the strands of hair that were covering my eyes.

I shook my head, meeting his eyes. “I’d actually kill for a glass right about now.”

“So…drink up.” He took a mouthful of his wine. Then, as if it hit him, he stopped, lowered the glass, and looked over at me. “What…what are you…saying?” he mumbled, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

I nodded. “I’m pregnant.”

Hudson sat forward, placing his glass on the table, and placed a kiss on my lips before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for a hug. “You’re sure?”

“I’m pretty sure. I have an appointment with the doctor next week to confirm, but two tests told me yes.”

I could already see the excitement in his eyes and knew that he was happy about this news. I didn’t need to worry about that. He hugged me again and then chuckled to himself as he picked up my glass of wine and poured it into his. “Sorry for teasing you with this.”

“You didn’t know,” I answered.

“No, but I should have known something was up when all you did was stick to water for dinner. Even the girls wondered about that.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Are you excited?”

“Hell ya, I am. Fuck, I wish you’d have said something earlier. We could have blown Joe and Everly’s announcement out of the water.”

“Oh, believe me, I think it will when the time is right to announce this to our friends.”

“I think you are right.” Hudson laughed, pulling me in for another hug.

I lay on my side, wrapped in Hudson’s arms, still sweaty and breathing hard. We’d taken the night to talk about the future and had decided that in the next few weeks, I’d be moving in with him. He’d already marked down the first doctor’s appointment in his calendar and had already messaged Dax to see if he could cover for him at work that afternoon. Of course, I’d laughed at Hudson’s reaction when Dax was full of questions. I’d also threatened to cut Hudson off if he even hinted at why he needed him to cover for him.

He pressed his lips against the back of my neck as he pulled me tighter against him. “You’re sure you’re happy about this?” I questioned, knowing full well what the answer was already.

“Don’t even go there,” he whispered. “I’ll have to break out the handcuffs again.”

“Yes, please.” I giggled.

I was so excited about what the future held. I was with a great man, one I’d never even considered being a significant other if it hadn’t been for Maya. I was so glad that things hadn’t ended when they could have.

I rolled over in his arms and looked into his eyes.

“Would it be silly if I told you I can’t wait to meet him or her?” I questioned.

He softly smiled. “No, not at all.”

He pressed a kiss to my lips, and I closed my eyes and nestled myself against his chest. Laying in his warm arms would forever be my favorite thing.

As I lay there, I thought of all the things over the last couple of months I had to be thankful for. First, I would forever be thankful to my best friend for giving me this opportunity, even if at the time I was less than thrilled, and to my other best friends for making me think twice and forcing me to hear him out before ending everything.

I’d always think back to these summer nights when I’d fallen in love and to those fireflies I saw the morning I’d purchased those tests before coming home, and I’d forever love the man who gave me this life that was growing inside of me.

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