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She looked around the room and nodded. Immediately, I made my way to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge and made my way back to her, opening it as I went. I watched as she reached out with shaking hands and took the water, bringing it to her lips and taking a drink.

“What got you upset?” I questioned.

She shrugged. “I guess it was just the day.”

She sat there quietly, holding onto the water, staring at the floor.

“Would you prefer not to go tonight? We can order in instead, put a movie on and curl up on the couch together if you like.”

Her eyes flew to mine, and she looked at me as if she hadn’t heard what I’d said. I was about to repeat my question when she cleared her throat. “Are you sure?”

I nodded. “I want to make sure you are comfortable. If there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people with anxiety need safe surroundings. Not that you aren’t ever safe with me, but you need to feel comfortable. So, how about a pizza?” I questioned.

“Hmmm, I’d die for pizza from Cosmo’s,” Bexley muttered, still shaking as she took another drink.

I stood up and took my hoodie off. It had been surprisingly cool for a summer night, and I’d been glad I’d had it. Without a thought, I wrapped it around her, then I pulled up the website for the pizza place while I watched her slip her arms into my sweater and wrap it around her.

“Okay, let’s see. Do you want the usual?” I questioned.

We’d ordered pizza so many times, I could recite her order by heart. Double cheese and mushrooms. Sometimes, she wanted pepperoni, but most times not.

She nodded. “Double cheese and mushrooms,” she muttered, pulling my sweater around her more.

“No worries, I got you.” I winked.

I placed our order, and when I hung up, I’d noticed she was watching me. “What is it?”

“You actually remembered my pizza order without me having to tell you, didn’t you?”

I nodded and smiled. “I did. Now, scoot over. Let’s pick something to watch.”

She moved over and reached for the remote and started up Netflix; we surfed around, each of us picking a movie before the pizza came. I tossed a coin into the air and let her call it, before we dug into the mouthwatering pizza. Eat Pray Love it was.

I lay on the couch, on my back, arm over my head, almost asleep by the time the credits rolled. Bexley had settled in beside me, thrown a blanket over herself, and had curled into me.

“Feeling better?” I asked, pulling her against me.

“Much.” She rested her chin on her hand so she could look at me.

“Good.” I brushed a strand of hair from her face. “I’ll admit I was worried when I got here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like that.”

She shrugged. “It happens sometimes,” she whispered, hiding her eyes from me. “It’s a little embarrassing to me. I’m still trying to deal with it.”

“It’s alright, Bex, it doesn’t make me love you any less.” I winked.

She smiled as she met my eyes. I couldn’t help but study her. She was beautiful. It surprised me I’d never noticed it before. I pulled her against me and pressed my lips to hers. I’d been dying to do this all night, ever since I’d walked through the door, but hadn’t wanted to upset her in her current state. She shifted in my arms as our kiss deepened.

My tongue parted her lips, and I heard a soft moan escape as I ran my tongue against hers. I shifted a bit and raised up on my forearm, bringing my free hand to her cheek to deepen our kiss even more. I loved kissing her.

An hour later, we stood in one another’s arms at the door to her place. We hadn’t been able to break our kiss even for a moment. I gripped her ass, pulling her against me as I kissed her hard. My cock was hard as a rock, and I needed relief.

“God…” she muttered as our lips finally parted.

“What?” I asked, as I kissed my way down her neck.

She took my hand and placed it on her breast. I could feel her nipple through her shirt. I ran my thumb over the hardened nub, while meeting her lips. Pinching it gently through her shirt, I heard her make a throaty groan.

“You like that?”

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