Page 68 of Spike

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Do I risk everything to go and see if she’s there?


I push to my feet and haul the box across the room with a roar.

Nobody says anything.

“It’s our only option, we have to check it out,” Cade says, the voice of reason. “Someone there might know something. We don’t have any other ideas, and we’re runnin’ out of time. I’ve got Jackson onto trying to track his location using Ciara’s phone, but he could have tossed that by now.”

“We’ll go,” I growl. “It’s the only choice we have.”

“This is terrifying,” Paulie says, his eyes wide. “Are you going to kill him?”

I shoot him a look and he closes his mouth.

“You ain’t comin’.” I growl. “You’re goin’ to stay here and keep looking.”

Paulie nods. “If I find something, I’ll call.”

“Let’s go,” I say to Cade, shoving the article into my jeans.

I hope I’m not too late.

Fuck, please let her be okay.

20 – Ciara – Two Hours Earlier

We were quite successful with Alyssa’s parents, and I feel like I’m one step closer to finding out who this creep is. I couldn’t have done it without Gerard, and I’m so glad he came with me. I was scared they wouldn’t talk to me if he didn’t.

“Thank you for today,” I say to him as we drive out of town.

“No problem,” he murmurs, lost in thought. “It’s hot, do you mind if I pull over and take this sweater off?”

“Sure.” I say. “I could use a drink anyway.”

He pulls the car over on the side of the road leading out of town. It’s a quiet day, and we’re the only ones on the road. Stepping out of the car, he pulls his sweater over his head and when he does, his shirt lifts all the way up, caught in it. That’s when I see it. A dark tattoo that runs up his chest and...oh my god.

It’s like a knife is being driven into my chest as the pieces come together.

I know that tattoo. I’ve seen that tattoo.

It’s the same tattoo in the picture we found in Alyssa’s room.

It’s Gerard.

Vomit rises in my throat, and I know I have to keep calm. I need to be smart, even though my hands automatically start trembling as he climbs back into the car, tossing the sweater in the back and offering me a smile. I force one back, but right now, the only thing I can think about is getting the hell out of this car.

I need to act calm, cool, and collected.

I can do this.

My mind is spinning at the realization that it has been Gerard all along.

Not a single second went by where I thought it would be him. Not a single damn second. I was so certain that I was on the right track, but never once did I realize the answer was right in front of me the entire time. My legs shake as I try to keep my cool, turning towards him with a smile. “I’m just going to grab my water bottle out of my bag and stretch my legs before our trip.”

Nodding, he acts as if he doesn’t sense a single change in me.

Climbing out of the car, I will my knees not to shake as I reach into the back and pull out my purse. I need to call Spike, and then I need to run. Glancing at Gerard as I straighten, I turn and act as though I’m stretching my legs as I pull out my phone, keeping my back to the car so he doesn’t see.

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