Page 55 of Spike

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I have no choice but to lie, and I need a lie that is believable. Something that will work, and I need someone who will back me up, but at the same time if I mention anyone they could immediately become a suspect, and that wouldn’t be fair.

Dammit, I don’t know what to do.

“I’d like to make a call to a friend to organize a lawyer,” I say.

I don’t actually want a lawyer, but I know they have to allow me to make a call to organize one. It will buy me a smidge of time to come up with something that makes sense here.

Rochelle looks to Greg, and I know they think that I’m asking for a lawyer because I’m guilty but right now, I don’t care what they think. I know my rights, and they can’t stop me from making a phone call.

“Yes, you can.”

They let me step out of the room and the person I call isn’t the one I probably should call. I dial Paulie’s number and tell him very quickly what’s going on and what the police have found, I also tell him about the Cheyenne theory. I know Paulie loves this kind of drama, and I also know he’ll have my back.

“Girl, here’s what you’re going to do. You tell them that I had Alyssa’s things because we were friends, and we were dropping them to her mom’s place, but we got distracted. There is no way they can prove I wasn’t friends with her.”

“What if they call her mom?”

“Alyssa had heaps of friends, even if they ask her, she probably won’t recall what her daughter was doing. Just you let me worry about that. Go and tell them what I just told you, they have no legal right to hold you because it isn’t enough evidence to prove you did anything.”

“Someone is trying to frame me,” I whisper.

“I know, but we’re not going to let them.”

Hanging up the phone, I join Rochelle and Greg once more.

“I have someone helping me with a lawyer. I am aware I shouldn’t speak without one, but I’m also not hiding anything so I’ll tell you the truth. My friend Paulie and I were taking those things back to Alyssa’s mom, but we ran out of time. He and Alyssa were friends, and he still had a few of her things lying around. He thought her mom would like them.”

The two of them stare at me, then at each other.

“You can confirm this with him, and her mom,” I say confidently.

“So what you’re saying is that a friend of yours put those items in your car?”

I nod.

“Is there a reason you didn’t say that when we first asked you?” Greg questions.

“Because I want to cover my bases. You think I did this, and I know I didn’t, but this isn’t going away so I want to have legal support going forward.”

They have nothing, and they know it.

They can’t argue with me, and they don’t have enough to arrest me.

Not yet, anyway.

They let me go, and I get the hell out of there.

I need to end this before they find something strong enough to keep me.

I’m running out of time.

16 - Spike

“I’ll be in her room for the entire day in case that fucker decides to try and plant somethin’ in there while she’s in class,” I growl, standing in front of the guys, working out a plan to deal with this situation before it gets out of control.

The cops are already on her trail, and if they find one more thing, she’s going down.

I fucking will not let that happen.

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