Page 32 of Spike

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Cade, who is standing behind him, looks like he’s concerned about what is about to break out right now. We always knew this day would come when I struggled to accept my part beneath him. I was born a leader.

“Remove the jacket, or I’ll have it removed for you.”

I hold Jackson’s eyes, neither of us wavering.

If I don’t do this, I lose my family.

If I do this, I lose my legacy.

Either way I lose.

“There are rules,” he goes on, his voice so cold I almost don’t recognize him. “If you don’t abide by them, you suffer the consequences. The patch will be removed, and that will be the least of your problems if you continue down this path you’re on.”

My heart is racing in my chest, and as I look to Cade, I know he’ll back Jackson all the way. Of course he will, he’s loyal to his club and I wouldn’t expect him not to be.

“People in this town are walkin’ all over this club,” I growl.

Jackson’s rage explodes and he bellows, “And I have a plan on dealin’ with that. It was never your place to make decisions on behalf of this fuckin’ club. We work together and if you can’t do that, you no longer have a place here.”

My body jerks like I’ve been punched.

Slowly, inch by inch, I slide my jacket off. Without it, I feel naked, bare, no longer protected by the one thing I have always had. I toss it at him, and he catches it in his hand, passing it back to Cade who takes it. His eyes radiate confusion, because part of him wants to back me up, I know it. He won’t do it, but that doesn’t mean the feeling ain’t there.

“Remove that patch and return it to him,” Jackson orders, his eyes never leaving mine.

Cade nods, leaving the room.

“You want the right to wear that patch, you fuckin’ earn it. The next move you make against my club will be a personal attack on me and I’ll deal with you the way I deal with anyone who goes against me.”

I grit my teeth, but deep down, I know I’ve fucked up.

I fucking know it.

Turning, I leave the room, and as I walk past the other guys, I know they’re all watching, staring at my shirt, knowing that I’ve been stripped of something that means the world to me.

Addison is standing by the front door when I walk past her, without a single word, the wound on my arm leaking blood that is running down my arm. I don’t even look at her as I move to my bike. I don’t say a fucking word. I have nothing to say. I need to get the fuck out of here.

“Daddy,” she whispers, and I know Jackson is standing beside her.

“It ain’t none of your business.”

That’s all I hear before I get on my bike and speed out of there.


What have I done?

10 – Ciara

“Idon’t know where he is,” I say, bouncing Mercy on my hip as I pace around the house.

Two days.

It has been two days, and nobody knows where Spike is.

I’ve tried everything, looked everywhere, called until the tears rolled down my cheeks, but nobody has heard from him.

“It’s going to be okay,” Addison assures me, her eyes bloodshot and tired. I know it scares her, too. “He’s just cooling off somewhere.”

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