Page 30 of Spike

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“Goin’ to get yourself some enemies ...”

He nods again. “Know that, too.”

He is unbothered, at least, he’s not showing that he’s even remotely concerned about the entire drug world turning on him. This guy I’m about to confront isn’t the top dog, but he is the one running this city, and, because of that, I know that messing with him is going to put my point across loud and clear.

It’s the only way.

If we don’t avenge Bear, then nobody will ever know not to fucking mess with the club.

They need to know if they touch our own, we will come back tenfold.

I might have made them angry because of my actions, but they have been roaming around this town long before I started taking them out. They have been trying to get the upper hand, trying to push the club down, trying to mess up our shipments and fuck up our deals. This is a war they started, and it’s one I will make it my mission to finish.

When we are feared once more, I will back down.

It’s the only way to keep us all safe, even if Jackson refuses to see that.

“Let’s go.”

Fynn gets in his truck and follows me when I begin the ride to where I want to go. I haven’t told him the plan; I don’t need to. He just needs to stand by my side, to pledge his loyalty to me and the club without interfering in what is going to happen when I stop this bike.

Because when I stop it, the world will wish I didn’t.

I’ve set this up exactly how I want it to go.

I’ve made sure he’ll be there, thinking he is meeting with a potential buyer, a big one, someone who can bring in millions to their business. What he doesn’t know is that I have more people on my side than he does, and it didn’t take much for me to put a plan together. He won’t see it coming, and that’s exactly how I want it.

Riding toward the wharf, where all our exchanges happen, I pull my bike over and stare in the distance to where two SUVs are parked. I know they’re waiting, and I know in minutes, this quiet situation is going to blow up in my face. That’s exactly how I fucking want it.

Fynn gets out of his truck and stands beside me.

“You got a gun?” I ask.

He nods.

“Let’s go.”

I don’t hesitate, I don’t pause, I walk toward the SUVs. I can see him turning toward me as I get close, his eyes widening when he realizes that I’m not the person he was planning on meeting. He goes to raise a hand, to gather his men for help, but I don’t give him a chance. Meeting his cold green eyes, I pull my gun out and aim it at his head. I don’t even give him the chance for a final say.

I pull the trigger.

The bullet rips through his forehead, and blood explodes from his skull as he falls backward.

Then chaos unfolds.

He didn’t come alone; I didn’t expect him to. Men pile out of the cars, weapons drawn. Fynn has his gun out, and without a single word, we shoot. We shoot to kill, and we don’t miss. I’ve spent a lot of years perfecting the art of hitting someone in the right spot and not missing, and that’s exactly what I do. A rage fills me, one unlike anything I’ve ever felt, and as I picture Bear’s face in my mind, I know I’m doing it for him.

A bullet tears through my arm, causing my gun to fall from my hand as an agonized bellow is ripped from my throat. Clutching the blood flowing through my jacket, I bare my teeth and growl, raw and feral, as Fynn steps in front of me. He shields me as he precisely and accurately takes out the man who shot me.

A man who was standing behind a car in the distance.

Back up, just in case.

Then, the world falls quiet.

The only sound in the stark daylight is my panting as pain radiates through my body. I’ve been shot before, but that deep burn is not something you ever get used to. It’ll hurt for days, but nothing will take away from the sheer pride I feel as I stare at the five dead bodies on the ground. I did it for Bear, for all of us.

Nobody will fucking touch us without feeling the wrath.

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