Page 28 of Spike

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“We were born to fight,” he growls, “so we could have fuckin’ epic make up sex.”

I laugh, tugging his hair. “Well, it’s not healthy.”

His expression grows more serious now. “You’re right, it ain’t.”

“Does that mean you’re going to tell me what’s going on?” I ask, slowly sliding off his lap.

He exhales. “I’ll tell you about it when you’re not havin’ the kind of night you’re havin’. Right now, you need to sleep.”

I pull on my pajama shorts. “Stay with me?”

He shrugs off his jacket. “Was never plannin’ on leaving.”

Oh, thank gosh.

I CAN FEEL ALL THEIR eyes on me.

As I walk to class the next day, I know everyone is talking. They’re all wondering if I did it, if I killed her. I want to scream that it wasn’t me, but it doesn’t matter what I say, nobody will believe me. Not until the killer has been found. The police ruled her death a homicide and are conducting interviews today. The students have been told not to attend class if they don’t feel safe, and extra security has been added.

I considered going home, but I really want to talk to Alyssa’s best friend.

It’s risky, but I have made it my mission to find out more about her and try to work out who might have wanted to hurt her.

It didn’t take me long searching social media for me to find the name of her best friend, who also goes to this school. I won’t forget her cries last night when she found out, and I have no doubt she won’t be here today, hell she might have gone home, but I’m going to try and find her after class anyway. That is if anyone will tell me where she stays.

Most people are giving me a wide berth.

Even Pervy Pete doesn’t come near me when I enter his class. He gives me a suspicious look, and suddenly, he’s very uninterested in me. The only person in this place who believes I’m innocent is Paulie. He called this morning and told me he’d meet up with me and we’d find who did this together. When I asked if he was scared I did it, he laughed and said it has always been his fantasy to be kidnapped, and so long as I included my biker, he’d be okay with it.

He makes me laugh.

But he believes in me.

By the time I get to Gerard’s class, I am tired of the whispers.

So much so that when the next wave of them come my way as I’m walking down the hall, I stop and yell, “I didn’t do it, you fucking imbeciles. Stop gossiping.”

This only makes them gossip more, and me look even more guilty.

I need to learn to shut my mouth.

“Bad day?” Gerard asks when I storm into his class early just to get out of the halls.

“Everyone in this school thinks I killed Alyssa. I didn’t fucking touch her. I didn’t even know her. I just happened to go into the shower at the wrong damned time, it could have happened to anyone. Now all those gossips out there are spreading lies.”

I exhale once I’m done, letting my shoulders slump.

“Maybe you should go home until next week. You don’t have to be here, and you don’t have to put up with that.”

Shaking my head, I hug my laptop to my chest. “No way, I’m not going to let them beat me. I didn’t do anything so I’m not running. I’m sure they’ll find who did it, and then this will all go away.”

He nods. “I’m sure. Just keep your head down; they’ll get bored eventually when something else comes along to take their attention.”

“I hope so.”

“Are you feeling okay? It was a big night.”

I purse my lips and shrug. “I don’t know. I’m trying not to think about it, but I can’t stop seeing her face. It’s haunting. I probably should be taking the time off to deal with it, but I don’t want to be alone right now.”

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