Page 23 of Spike

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I shake the thought from my mind and give her a hug. Then, I say goodbye to the kids who are playing with my dad, who Danny loves. Mercy is chewing on a toy as she watches her grandad, babbling. It is good for them; I have to remind myself of that. With one last glance, I exhale and leave the house.

I need to get to school, and I need to take my mind off everything that’s happening.

Addi told me Spike and Cade got into some massive fight. I don’t know, I haven’t called him and he’s not calling me. We’re both stubborn, and I know it could be days before one of us breaks. It’s childish, sure, but I’m tired of having the same argument. Either he wants to open up to me, or he doesn’t.

I’ve been down this road with Spike before, and it didn’t end well.

He has a problem with keeping the way he feels inside and, because of that, when things get hard, it can be difficult getting through to him.

Arriving at school, I go to my room and put my things down before heading to my first class.

Pervy Pete is very extra today, to the point where he had to lean over me while I was doing some work and breathe on my damned neck. Even when I flinched away, he did nothing to step back. He needs a good dick punch and someone to put him back in his place. I might just join Paulie on the next attack on Pete. It might help me release some of this steam.

By the time I get to Gerard’s class, I’m flustered and tense. My mind is frantic, and I’m overstimulated. So much so that I run straight into him when I rush through the door. My books and laptop go flying everywhere. Steadying me with his hands, he stops me from falling on my backside.

“Whoa,” he steadies me, “what’s the rush?”

“I’m so sorry. I’m having the worst day. I didn’t mean to run into you.”

I step back, lowering down to get all my things. He squats down and helps me, his eyes on mine, concerned. “Are you okay?”

“Just troubles ... at home. It’s nothing. I just need to slow down today.”

He studies me. “You know, I could use a hand gathering some things before class, and considering you’re early, you could help? It might take your mind off things.”

Nodding, I push to my feet. “I’d like that.”

Placing my things down, I follow him out of the class and down the halls.

“Is it going too far if I ask what’s happening at home?”

Rounding a corner, we move past students heading to their next classes.

“It’s nothing major,” I tell him. “I’m just having problems with my partner. He’s stubborn and sometimes we just don’t see eye to eye.”

Gerard laughs. “Relationships, am I right?”

I can’t help but smile. “Exactly. Anyway, I brought my kids with me this time and they are at my parents’, so it’s just another thing for me to think about.”

“You don’t like your parents?”

I shake my head quickly. “It’s not that. I mean, we didn’t have the best relationship, but I just don’t like taking them from Danny.”

“That makes sense,” he says, unlocking the storage room door, “but it’s also important for them to see their grandparents. Don’t you think?”

He’s right. It is.

“I’m overreacting, aren’t I?”

He chuckles. “You’re a mother, it’s your job. I’m sure your parents are glad to have them around.”

“Well, I mean, it does slightly inconvenience them, but they deal.”

He takes a heap of notebooks off a shelf and turns, handing me some. “They don’t like being grandparents?”

I shrug. “Sure they do, but I’m not their favorite child so I guess it’s not me who they wanted grandkids from.”

He pauses. “How do you mean?”

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