Page 19 of Spike

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Tears sting my eyes.

“A local drug gang. They had stabbed him and cut off his fingers. Bled out before we could get him to the hospital.”

My heart plummets.

I feel sick to my stomach as a tear rolls down my cheek. “I’m ... so sorry.”

Jackson simply nods.

I turn, needing some fresh air as a wave of new tears roll down my cheeks.

Maybe I shouldn’t be going to school right now. Maybe they need me here.


I don’t know what to do.

6 – Spike

“You’re goin’ back to school,” I growl, watching her face tense with emotion. “You need this, and what’s happenin’ with the club ain’t your concern.”

I know Ciara, and I know she’ll do anything to stop the path I’m on. She’s concerned and wants to get involved. The last time someone I love got involved, she had a hole blown into her head. I’m not going to let that happen here, not this time. Ciara is staying away from all of this, and her going to school is exactly how I’ll make sure that happens.

“You send me away, but what about the kids?” she argues. “If it’s not safe for me to be here, then there is no way in hell I’m leaving them here.”

My chest tightens. “I never said it wasn’t safe, I just said it ain’t your concern. Go to school, I won’t bring this business around the kids, and you know it.”

“They tossed his body in the front gates, what comes next?”

“Ciara,” I growl. “I will not say it again. You’re goin’ back to school, and everything will carry on as usual. You hear me?”

The defiant, strong nature that I love so fucking much about her washes over her face as she stares at me with utter frustration. “Maybe I should take the kids to my parents’ when I go to school ...”

Wrong thing to say.

A wild, uncontrollable rage grips my chest as my eyes widen and my fist clenches. “What did you fuckin’ say?”

She knows she’s wrong, I can see it in her face, but she doesn’t back down. “I don’t mean so you can’t have them, I just mean while I’m not around. It will give you a chance to do what you need to with the club.”

“You don’t trust me with those kids.”

“I never said that ...” she argues.

“You didn’t have to.”

“Danny, for crying out loud, what do you want me to do? You won’t talk to me, you won’t tell me what’s going on or what you’re feeling, and you just want me to be okay with leaving my babies.”

“They’re my babies too,” I bellow. “And I don’t like you assumin’ that I can’t take care of ‘em.”

Anger flashes in her face. “A man got dumped in the fucking biker lot and died. Can you honestly not see why I’m concerned? Not to mention, you haven’t said two words to me in the last few days. You’re off in your own little world, and I’m scared you won’t be giving them the attention they need.”

“You better be very fuckin’ careful what your next words are,” I hiss, my hands trembling with rage, my body tight with an emotion I can’t understand.


Fear of losing the two things I love so fucking much.

“Do not threaten me, Spike.”

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