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My hand fists my cock tight, and I moan as I imagine pushing my cock past her soft pillowy lips. I’ll watch as her lush green eyes grow glassy with lust and tears as she learns to breathe around my cock.

My fingers find their way to my throbbing tip, and with a shudder, I begin to pump faster. My hips buck forward uncontrollably, seeking release.

I’ve taught her to take all of my cock, but she needs to learn to crave it, to deliriously beg for it when her neglected pussy drips as her ass clenches around me.

I no longer feel the cold water as it streams down my clenched abs. I grit my teeth against the oncoming climax, my other clenching into a fist on the wall as I lose myself in my rhythm.

I imagine Addy’s luscious body convulsing with pleasure while my hand wraps around her neck, forcing her to decide what she needs more: air or the orgasm just out of reach . . .

I arch my back and let loose a growl as raw, unfiltered pleasure explodes within me, painting the walls of the shower in thick, white streaks. My groans echo off the marble walls, muffled by the cleansing water, my heart pounding in sync with each ragged breath I take as I come down from the intense high.

As I shudder with remnants of the heights of pleasure I owe to my red-headed witch, my mind empties of rational thought except for two certainties.

That I’ll be buried inside that woman tonight.

And that the day Addy marries someone else is the day she will be widowed.

Hell. Maybe I am a caveman, after all.


Four hours later, Sal, Pietro, and I enter the club through the private entrance to find it packed. Kira is already doing her thing, the bass thrumming through the floor, and the air is thick with the scent of citrus and alcohol.

We make our way upstairs to the meeting spot at the VIP section, a private booth overlooking the dance floor.

Alina is on the other side of the room, holding court with her gaggle of friends. She catches my eye, and her gaze heats and fills with promise. I simply incline my head in greeting, feeling like a heel for not returning a sliver of her feelings.

I scan the club, looking for the Senator or his aides. He’s late, of course. Fucking politicians.

Pietro must sense my irritation because he slips away to track down our wayward guest. Sal, ever the charmer, goes over to Alina and her friends to greet them, his smile wide and disarming. I watch, scowling as the women giggle, their heads thrown back, their throats exposed. It’s all so fucking pointless.

I lean back in my seat, my jaw clenched tight. How the hell do I tell Orlando De Luca that I’m not going to be his son-in-law without sparking up a rebellion? Or make Addy mine without starting another war?

There’s no way to avoid both.

The thought makes me want to put my fist through something. Or someone. But I can’t. Not here. Not now. So, I sit, my posture deceptively relaxed as my fingers drum against the leather of the booth, my eyes scanning the club for any sign of trouble.

And all the while, her face dances in my mind, teasing me. It’s as if now that I’m resolved to take her, I can’t seem to wait anymore.

I stand, take my drink, and wander to the glass wall, a spot that offers an unobstructed view of the writhing sea of bodies downstairs and the massive C-shaped bar. I’m no stranger to nightclubs, but all the ones Salvatore designs never fail to stand out. Sal does know a thing or two about luxury, the little shit.

I throw back my drink, feeling the liquor burn a familiar path down my throat, but it does little to ease the tension coiling in my gut.

And then, to my utter disbelief, I see a flash of distinct red hair at the bar downstairs.

“Fuck me,” I murmur, feeling the last shred of my control splinter to dust.

“Signor Vitelli.”

I reluctantly turn away from the tantalizing sight to face Pietro, who has returned with a pale-faced and sweaty Bill Sheridan. I force myself to my feet.

“Senator,” I greet, with a cold smile, taking his hand firmly. “I trust you found your way okay?”

I lead him to our booth, the need to get this negotiation over with beating down on me like a tidal wave. I have a more crucial business to attend to.

The last time that woman wandered into my lair, I let her go. Now she’s tumbled right back. Even the Irish have to know that every man has his limits.

Chapter Fourteen

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