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And that was the final straw proving I’m not who I thought I was. I was a doted-on, sheltered child, and now I’m a hunted orphan who should be grateful to her protectors.

I break into a run, not stopping until I’m outside the house, the cool air hitting my flushed face. Then I take several deep breaths, trying to steady myself. The scent of freshly mown grass fills my nostrils, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside me.

Everything I believed about my past, my family—it’s all unraveling. The only place I can go is where I call home right now . . . my best friend’s house.

But as I climb into the backseat of the cab that’s still waiting in the driveway, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m heading into an even darker unknown. The leather seats creak beneath me as I settle in, the driver’s eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

As the car pulls away, I watch the house—the only home I’ve ever known—grow smaller in the rear window. It looks the same as it always has, grand and imposing, but now it feels like a beautiful lie, a facade hiding ugly truths. I turn away, unable to bear the sight any longer, and face forward, steeling myself for my next steps.

If only I had a clue what those would be.

Chapter Eleven


The second I step into Kira’s penthouse hallway, the explosive beats of DJ Snake and Lil Jon’s “Turn Down for What” fill the room, the powerful bass making the walls vibrate.

Shit. People. Today, of all days.

I shut my eyes, leaning heavily against the door. If only I could just disappear.

Kira mentioned this morning that she was having a few friends over to celebrate her latest gig—she’s the official DJ for some new club launch. But I completely forgot in the chaos of the day.

The shouts filtering out from the living room make it sound like the whole of Boston is crammed in there. I promised Kira I’d be up for a few drinks after work, but right now, all I want is to lock myself in my room and have a full-on breakdown. My life has become a monumental joke in just one afternoon.

But a promise is a promise, so I huff out a deep breath, shove my racing thoughts into a cold, hard box, and force myself toward the living room. The bass thuds through my chest, growing stronger with every step.

Entering the living room, I take in the scene. There are about thirty people, a kaleidoscope of brightly colored hair, glittering jewelry, and designer clothes as they dance and mingle. Laughter and the clinking of glasses rise above the pulsing music.

My gaze lands on Kira, who’s laughing with an arm draped around the shoulder of a guy with a shaved head and enough bling around his neck to sink a small yacht.

“Resin is going to be sick, Kira, you’re a rockstar!” the bald guy yells over the music.

Kira beams. “So, does that mean y’all are coming or what? I know it’s out of town . . .”

“Girl, are you trippin’?” a woman with pink braided hair and more piercings than I can count yells, giving Kira a high five. “VIP passes to the launch night? I’d crawl on my hands and knees to get there!”

I plaster a smile on my face, hoping it hides the turmoil brewing inside me. Only night owls like this lot would throw a party bang in the middle of the day.

“Hey, you must be Addy,” a guy with rectangular glasses and a beanie perched on his head spots me leaning against the doorway.

There’s a boisterous chorus of “Oi, Addy!” and I can’t help the smile that tugs at my lips. As I approach Kira, someone hands me a glass of pink liquid with mint leaves floating in it.

“You made it, babe,” Kira throws her arms around me. “And early as well. My friends just got here.” She shouts over the booming music, “Hey, Zeddy! Where the hell are you? Addy’s home.” She leans in and whispers, “He’s been dying to meet you.”

“Zedd as in . . . the guy whose shirtless torso graced our wall all through college because you thought he was a God or something?”

She had a crush on Zedd, and it was one I got to experience with her since I was the one who had to describe the guy every day. By the time I’d gone over his looks a few thousand times, he’d started to grow on me. Until Dante happened, that is.

Kira has the grace to blush as she waves me off. “Yeah, well, we’re friends now, and ever since he saw your picture, he’s been obsessed with you.”

Before I can say more, a tall, slim guy with spiked platinum hair saunters over, and I try not to choke on my saliva.

It’s really Zedd in the flesh. The famous New York celebrity DJ. “You’re serious! How is he even here?” I whisper.

“Same circles. By the way, close your mouth, babe,” Kira teases, correctly guessing what my face is doing. “You’ll give yourself away.”

“Excuse me?” I snort. “Don’t you mean give you away?”

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