Page 60 of The Biker's Vow

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Now it’s over and we need to separate ourselves and pick up the pieces.

Murder met with Black Rebel Riders’ MC and Kings of Anarchy MC.

Location wise, it makes sense that we’d go with the BRRMC being the mother chapter is located in Drag Creek, Kentucky. The Kings have ties to West Virginia, but Prez has always had loyalties to Grim. God rest his soul. He founded his club when he wanted out of the killing game and into the moonshine business.

Man was a fucking legend.

Ultimately, the choice is Murder’s, and we can either fall in line with what he wants, or we can walk. We all receive a voting slip. Once we check the box of our choice, we fold our paper and toss it in the center of the table.

Prez and East will collect and count the votes, then the two of them will decide the future of this club. One thing I know is that once they choose, there’s no going back. Our Royal Bastards' patches will burn. Ink will get blacked out and we’ll have one hell of a fucking party.

The decision could come in five minutes or five months.

However long it takes, I know I’m with my brothers ride or die.

Prez adjourns us and I track down Jimmy after retrieving my cell.

“Walk with me, Prospect.”

“What’s up?”

“You make your choice?”

“Don’t really have one. The choice was taken from me. Gotta step up and do the right thing.”

“I hear that, man. But you sure she’s being truthful?”

“What do you mean? You’re the one who told me she was pregnant.”

“Intel was wrong. She been to the doctor yet?”

“She said she went. It’s not like I asked for proof.”

“Maybe you should.”

“Did Ember say something?”

“Not directly, but she had a positive pregnancy test disappear. Do with that what you will. But wouldn’t feel right not cluing you in that your girl has issues.”

“What do I do?”

“That’s something you have to decide. If it were me, I’d observe. She’ll trip herself up, eventually. Looks like you have a visitor.” I nod to where Kiesha stands at the gate with Link, and he looks mad as fuck.

“Fuck.” Jimmy scratches the back of his neck.

“Guess your secret is out. Don’t bother trying to run. All that will do is piss him off further.”

Jimmy gulps and I don’t blame him. I’d be shaking in my boots if I were him.

“Prospect,” Link roars in such a commanding voice I nearly jump to and he’s not even talking to me.

“Good luck.” I snort and head back to the bar to wait for Ember to get off work so I can pick her up for our dinner date.

“Do you know which way he’s leaning?” Ember questions while twirling her pasta around her fork.

“Way all this shit has shaken out from the top, I wouldn’t be surprised if Prez doesn’t blow the whole fucking lot up and relocate us.”


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