Page 55 of The Biker's Vow

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“I guess I don’t have anything better to do.”

I lean down, getting close to her face. “You’ve got about two point five seconds to cut the sass and kiss me.”

She closes the gap between our mouths and the catcalls start again. I flip them the bird as I reclaim what’s mine. Ember’s body and her heart.

Ember and I prepare to say our I dos on Big Daddy’s front lawn. Nothing fancy. Just my woman and me declaring our love in front of a small audience.

Corrupt, the enforcer for the KOAMC Anarchy chapter has a cousin who works in the local clerk’s office who said she’d backdate and file the marriage license on Monday and mail us a copy since we’ll be back on the road headed for home come tomorrow.

Prodigy serves double duty as both best man and giving his sister away. I know he still has some reservations about whether or not we’ve got what it takes to make this work. We’ve got everything against us. Our age difference. My stupidity. Her immaturity.

At the end of the day, none of that shit matters. We’re having a baby, and I plan on being by her side every damn step of the way.

My babydoll struts down the makeshift aisle in her denim cutoffs, black tank top, and boots, looking every bit as gorgeous and tempting as the first time I set my sights on her.

Soulless is a man of little words and cuts straight to the chase. “Do you Smoke take Ember to be your Ol’ Lady and promise to treat her with love and respect?”

“I do.”

“Do you Ember take Smoke to be your Ol’ Man and promise to treat him with love and respect?”

“I do.”

“Then by the power the state of California instilled in me, I pronounce you Ember property of Smoke. You may now kiss your bride.”

Hoots and whistles sound as I dip Ember in my arms and plant my lips firmly on hers, sealing our union with a kiss.

The music fires back up, and the liquor resumes flowing. I have no fucking clue what song is even playing from the live band. I have my woman in my arms and that’s all that matters to me. Prez presents me with an envelope stuffed with money as a wedding gift and steals my bride for a dance.

I watch him twirl my woman around, whispering in her ear as she laughs. Who knows what he’s saying to her?

Pam accosts me for a partner. “I wasn’t sure you had it in you, but you did good earlier.”

“Thanks for making sure I had a full audience.” I give her a twirl.

“Hey, no one would have believed me if they didn’t see for themselves. Besides, Ember needed that. Needed the club to get back some respect for her. You needed it, too. Especially when it comes to your friendship with her brother. A man doesn’t take kindly to anyone treating his sister like shit.”


“She’s a good one. Won’t take your shit. You need a woman like that. Friendly head’s up. That little friend of hers is trouble.”


“That’s the one.”

“She’s a mouthy bitch. What’d she do now?”

“I suspect she stole Ember’s pregnancy test and used it to trick Jimmy.”

“He’ll clue in.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“Cross that bridge when the time comes.”

“Good. We don’t need a bitch like that in our fold and Ember doesn’t need a friend like that. Especially one that’s buddied up with Angel.”

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