Page 52 of The Biker's Vow

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“What look?”

“Don’t play with me and don’t lie to me.”

I promised Sabrina I’d never tell anyone her business. It would be nice to confide in someone about the situation. “If I tell you something, you have to promise me that you won’t say anything and that it won’t become part of one of your bets.”

She takes a sip of her beer. “This sounds serious. I’m all for fun and games, but honey, I don’t play with people’s secrets. Let’s go talk in private. I can’t stand that bitch.” Her gaze cuts to the woman here with the guy Smoke knows.

I nod. I trust Pam.

“Who is she?”

“No one special, and that’s a story for another time.”

I catch Smoke’s eye and motion that I’m going off with Pam.

She loops an arm over mine and she steers me toward where Roane has his RV set up.

“Hey, you two.” Jules waves as Roane hugs her from behind, swaying to the low hum of music filtering out of their temporary home on the road.

“Go away,” Roane growls.

“Someone’s a grumpy bear,” Pam mutters.

“We just got the kids down for a nap,” her sister explains.

Pam and I share a look. Roane is looking to get laid and we’re cramping his style.

“We’ll go somewhere else.”

“Roane is rude. Come on in.”

He shoots us a glare that says if we come one step closer, he’s going to go feral and kill us all. No wonder Jules stays pregnant. The man can’t keep his hands off her.

“We’ll be by the pool. Find us after,” Pam says, winking at Roane.

He grins big and pulls Jules into the RV.

Pam and I both bust out laughing.

We make our way to the back of Big Daddy’s mansion where the inground pool is. There’s mostly Ol’ Ladies and their kids splashing around. Most of the men are gathering around the all-girl mud wrestling contest.

We find a couple of loungers pulled off to the side away from the noise and plop down on them. I lay on my side, getting comfortable. Jules’ kids aren’t the only ones in need of a nap. I’m exhausted mentally and physically. I’m trying to make my peace with my life. Yesterday morning, I was nearly ready to dive into a relationship with Creed.

When I told him that I’m pregnant, the disappointment on his face followed by some weird sense of relief told me that he wasn’t the man for me. My being pregnant by my ex wasn’t something he was prepared to take on, and I can’t fault him for that. We had our fun and I want nothing but the best for him. He had also just received a call that someone in his family was in trouble, and he had to leave and quick. He was struggling with how to tell me that he was leaving and that I wasn’t invited to come with him.

He hugged me and told me that I should do whatever was best for me and that was pretty much the end of things. One day he’s going to make some woman very happy.

“Hello. Earth to Ember.” Pam waves a hand over my face, snapping me back from my thoughts. “You were telling me about your friend,” she prompts.

“Right. Sorry. Was in a bit of a daze there.” I suck in a breath. “Sabrina.” I exhale. “Before this trip, she told me she thought she was pregnant and was afraid to tell Jimmy. I told her she needed to take a test and be upfront with him. Anyway, she picked up a couple of tests and, like I said, she was afraid. We both took a test at the same time, and I was feeling some kind of way. Smoke and I had just broken up, and I didn’t think I could get pregnant. Not that Smoke and I were trying. We weren’t being careful. I mean, he thought we were. Even longer story short, I took the test but never looked at it. I didn’t see the point. Jimmy came home, and she lied to him and told him she was pregnant. I didn’t out her. Even though I felt weird about it.”

“Let me get this straight. So you took a test but didn’t check the results and your girl told you hers was negative. Her man comes home, and she lies to him, and you cover for her?”

“Kind of.”

“And you’re pregnant now?”


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