Page 46 of The Biker's Vow

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“I think you’ve lost your damn mind. One second you’re trying to force me to marry you and the now you’re telling me who I can or can’t have sex with. Do you hear the bullshit coming out of your mouth? How can I take you seriously when you’re standing here naked?”

“Promise me.”

“No. I’m not doing anything until you put some damn clothes on.”

He jerks the sheet off the bed, wrapping it around his waist. “I’m covered. Now promise me.”

“Be so fucking for real right now.”

He drops a knee to the bed. “I won’t tolerate you whoring around while you’ve got my kid in you.”

“Oh whatever, Smoke. I could say the same about you. Do you know how humiliating it’s been for everyone to see you with a different whore in every state we’ve gone to? And now I have to face the same people who know what you’ve been doing while being pregnant with a cheater’s baby.”

“Guess the same way Pam did it when Link did it to her. Ask her for some tips.”

“You’re a real asshole.” I climb out of the bed, and he grabs me by the hand.

“Where are you going?” he snarls, and I catch a whiff of his liquor tainted breath.

“You’re drunk and I don’t want to be around you right now.”

“So what? I had a few fucking drinks to cope with watching you giving my pussy up to another man.”

I slap the fire out of him and shriek, “It stopped being your pussy the second you had Angel’s mouth on you.” Smoke seizes me by the shoulders and the sheet falls to the floor. He moves in as though he’s going to kiss me, and I turn my head. “You’re drunk.”

“You don’t want me, babydoll?” He drops a hand to his junk, shaking his dick at me.

“Not like this. You need to sleep whatever this is off.”

“I fucked up.”

“I don’t think we can come back from this,” I whisper, more to myself than to him.

“I’ll make you see. We can find our way back to the good.”

“There’s too much between us.”

“You were pushing me away, and I was pushing too hard.”

“I thought I couldn’t have kids,” I blurt my secret out. Not that it matters now that we both know it wasn’t true.

“What?” His head snaps up and his expression sobers.

“This whole time I’ve not been on birth control, and we weren’t being careful.”

“So you lied about it? What the fuck, Ember? Would think you were trying to trap me, but you knew I wanted a kid. I should be pissed. Fuck me. You’ve left me speechless.”

“I know it was a shit thing not to tell you.”

“If you’d been honest, we’d be together right now, and I’d be happy. So goddamn happy. This shit is seriously fucked, and you know it.”

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t honest with you.”

“What do you want from me? I truly want to know, babydoll. I wanted to marry you and you shut that talk down. Wanted you to have my baby, and you said you were on the pill. Now I find out that not only are you pregnant, you were never on the pill. Fucking whacked.”

My head is spinning. When he puts it out there like that, it sounds pretty dang nuts. I pick up the diamond ring from the dresser and slip it on my finger. “Let’s do it. Let’s get married.”


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