Page 40 of The Biker's Vow

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As I leave the room, I find Viking standing guard, waiting on his woman like a good man should. “Everything okay?”

“No, but it will be,” I answer him, honestly.

“Anything I can do?”

I shake my head, shooting him a weak smile. No one can fix this mess I’ve made of my life.

Outside, I skirt around the edge of the tents to avoid notice while taking in the scene. Music hums among the chatter. Some are winding down around the fire pits while others appear to just be getting the party started. I laugh at the sight of two guys carrying a mattress with someone passed out on it.

Someone had a little too much fun.

My smile dies and my bad mood grows worse as I spot Smoke and some chick I’ve seen Low hanging around with exiting one of the tents. I have no place getting mad. However, considering the circumstances, I feel damn entitled. I turn from the hurtful scene playing out, taking a path that winds through the trees at the back of the property being swallowed by the darkness.

Blinded by tears, I have no idea where I’m going. I stumble my way along the graveled walkway, then stop at the sound of something rustling nearby. I don’t know what kind of wildlife they have around here and am not about to get eaten by a bear or something. Pausing to listen, I hear what sounds like hushed voices and grunts.

My gut twists and I hope someone isn’t being assaulted. Quietly, I move closer to the noise and my mouth drops at what I’m seeing.

Murder and another man I haven’t formally met but recognize as Kingpin are beating the absolute shit out of a biker whom I’ve never laid eyes on before. He has a tattoo of a queen of hearts on one of his biceps. Whoever he is, Murder has him in a choke hold while Kingpin makes hamburger meat out of his face with each cutting blow from the rings adorning his knuckles.

He must have done something awful, and I want no part of whatever this is.

“Thought we wouldn’t find out,” Murder rumbles.

“Got too cushy on that throne,” Kingpin says, then whips out his dick and pisses on the dude.

I back away, having seen enough when a pair of arms wrap around me. “Jaysus, Mary, and Joseph. Lost are you?” I recognize the thick accent of Irish. One of Kingpin’s men.

“I was looking for Creed,” I lie, and he releases me.

“What’s the craic?”

“The huh?”


“I’m just going to go.” I step around him as he studies me, not completely buying the lie, but he doesn’t prevent me from going.

“Follow the footpath,” he calls after me.

I don’t turn back. I never know what in the hell that guy is saying.

Returning to where the tents are set up, I remind myself I’m not in West Virginia anymore. I spy Creed shot gunning a beer with a group of bikers standing around some girls dancing on poles sticking up out of tires.

He’s not even looking at them. He’s staring at me like he wants to devour me. My heart throbs in my chest. A knot forms in the back of my throat. This overwhelming sense of dread fills me. We may have a shot a second chance and I’ve ruined it.

I don’t know what to do.

If I terminated this pregnancy, I don’t think I could live with that choice. All the what ifs would haunt me to no end.

Creed smiles at me, and I want to throw up. He’s proven to be a nice guy and I’m going to hurt him.

Chapter Fifteen

“Yo, what’s up?” I answer the call from Plague out of the Central Texas chapter of Royal Bastards.

“Is Creed still riding with you?”

“Looking at his sorry ass now, why?”

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