Page 29 of The Biker's Vow

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“Don’t pretend you care. I’m doing you a solid. Don’t read anything more into it. Be ready to ride out in the morning.”

“Where are we sleeping?”

“I’ve got my sleeping bag.”

“Does it sleep two?”

“Nope,” I grumble.

“What about me?”

“Offered you a ride. Rest is on you.” I guzzle down what’s left of this beer. Wiping the back of my hand over my mouth, I ponder if I’m being too much of a dick, but catching another glimpse of Ember snuggling up with Creed, I feel justified.

Without warning, a chubby fuck by the name of Dutch comes streaking past us, running for the lake naked as the day he was born other than his cut while his Ol’ Lady, Darlene chases after him.

“Fucking hell,” Ace mutters from a few feet away as he shields his woman, Norah, from the hairy assed sight. “Hope he can swim. I’m not going in after his dumbass.”

Ember’s gaze catches mine briefly and my heart stutters in my chest at the pain laced in her expression.

“Better use Dar’s titties as floaties,” a biker by the name of Tread bellows, cupping his hands around his mouth, breaking the tension and the spell of Ember’s penetrative gaze.

Leaving Angel to make her own sleeping arrangements for the night, I soldier into the woods to take a piss. I stumble through the trees until all I’m left with is the quiet of the night and my thoughts I can’t seem to escape, no matter how hard I try.

Figured the freedom of the road with nothing but stretches of highway before me for the next few days would be enough to clear my mind by the time we reach Anarchy. Didn’t figure Ember making the trip into the equation. Thought I’d leave her and my troubles behind me in West Virginia. Instead, she’s everywhere I look.

Haunting me in the flesh with her big blue eyes and them pouty lips I want nothing more than to taste.

I can’t escape her.

Chapter Eleven


“If you want to ride with Smoke, beautiful, I promise I won’t be offended.” Creed has this wistful expression on his face as he observes me watching Angel thank my ex for the ride.

“Are you trying to get rid of me already?”

“Not yet. Give me a few more hours?” he grins his signature sexy smirk, popping a dimple out as I swat at him.


“You know you love it when I’m rude. All part of the thrill of the chase.”

“Is that what this is? And what happens when the chase is over?”

“It’s not that serious.”

“Of course not. We’re simply having fun. Something I’ll write in my diary later.”

“Not even going to tell the grandkids about me. Ouch.” He plugs a cigarette between his lips.

There won’t be any to tell.

The thought depresses me more than it should. I’m young and have my life ahead of me. No matter how hard I attempt to look at the bright side, my thoughts drift to Smoke and what might have been. “Smoking kills, ya know.”

“Live fast. Die young.”

“Just don’t attempt the dying part when I’m riding with you.”

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