Page 20 of The Biker's Vow

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“Give me a minute. Fuck,” he mutters, scrubbing his large, tattooed hand over his face.

I pace back and forth along the gate as he pulls out his phone and fires off whatever excuse he’s giving to bring him to the fate. My heart is my throat. Am I going to faint or throw up? That depends on Smoke and his response to my showing up here.

He was so ready to let me go.

All of his promises of loving me are empty.

You don’t throw away the supposed love of your life in the blink of an eye.

“He’s coming,” Creed tells me, sounding about as dead as I feel inside. “Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with you two, but I’m here for you.”

“Save it for the next girl you try to play. I’m really not in the mood right now for you or your smooth talking crap.”

“I deserve that.” His response surprises me. “Thought I’d try to deny that, huh?”

“Yes, but I trust you about as far as I can throw you.” That earns me a low chuckle.

“Fair enough. We had good chemistry, though.”

“I was trying to make Smoke jealous. I’d stop while you’re breaking even if I was you.”

“Hmm,” he mutters, stroking his chin as he glances back toward the clubhouse.

I follow his gaze, watching Smoke navigate the parking lot, barefoot and sexy clad in his jeans with the top button undone. The sight of him is enough to have me wanting to drop to my knees and take him in my mouth right here, Creed serving witness be damned.

But I have more pride than that. I’m not a club girl, even if I was mistaken for one the first night I came here looking for my brother. What I found instead was Smoke and became a pawn in one of his stupid bets.

Against my better judgement, I forgave him because I thought we had something special. That he loved me. So much that he killed for me.

Where did we go wrong?

Why is he doing this to me?

To us.

One day, we were going to have it all.

Weren’t we?

Or was it all a fantasy I built up in my head?

I’m not crazy.

I’m not.

We belong together.

Chapter Eight

“The fuck you calling me so goddamn early for? This better be good,” I grumble at Creed. Wish he’d find somewhere else to transfer to. Part of me thought maybe he stuck around hoping to get another shot at Ember, but he’s been respectful and kept his distance. Doesn’t mean I like him enough to be friends with his ass.

“There’s something for you at the gate.”

My temples pound as I sit up. My feet hit the floor of one of the guest rooms of the clubhouse. I fucking drank too much. “I’ll be down in a few. This better fucking be good.”

After hitting the head, I trudge down the stairs, nearly missing the bottom one. I’m so damn exhausted. Mentally and physically.

“Fuck.” A couple of rocks dig into the souls of my feet as I trek barefoot across the lot toward the gate where Creed stands shooting the shit with my babydoll. Though I suppose she’s not mine anymore. The realization stabs me straight in the heart even if I’m the one who ended things. Ember has to discover who she is and what she wants in life without me pressuring her. Fucking kills me to know I may not be the father of her children, but she made me realize that I want kids. That I want a woman by my side who is all in for me, even if it won’t be her in the end.

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