Page 9 of Her Bully

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“You do realize that we aren’t related. So, your insult is much like you. Insignificant.”

“Whatever. This place blows.” Remy kicks the claw machine and stomps off.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Kyson says, tugging me back to our table.

“What? Stood up for myself?” I ask, scooting back into my seat.

“Challenged him. Dared him. Remy won’t stop.”

“Won’t stop? Won’t stop what exactly?”

“Pursuing you to get at me.”

“But I’m no one important. You don’t care about me. I mean, you don’t even like me. You used to call me fat and make farm animal noises at me.”

“Do you get why I did those things?”

“Because I needed to lose weight and bugged you or whatever.”

“No.” he pauses to get a slice of pizza. “You were the only person who never gave me my way and did whatever I said. I despised you for it but was oddly drawn to you for it and didn’t understand how to handle my mixed emotions.”

I have no idea what to say to him. It’s open and honest. Raw even. Something I never expected from Kyson Allen.

“I mean, we were what, twelve back then?” Why am I making excuses for how crappy he was to me?

“I have no right to ask this but promise me you’ll stay away from Remy. He’ll only use you to hurt me. He’s pissed at me for something and will do anything to get back at me.”

With a weak smile, I grab a slice of the pizza. I’m not making any promises. The way that dude behaved today wasn’t a great first impression, but I like to make my own judgment calls. I can pick my own friends.

“I’ll be back. Need to hit the head.”

“Sure.” The moment he’s gone, the girl with dark hair slides into his seat before I can even take a bite. Guess she was waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

“So, you’re the new flavor of the week. Don’t get too comfortable.”

I drop my slice onto a plate as hunger pangs squeeze the muscles of my stomach. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding. You’re Britney, right?”

Her green eyes brighten glowing like those of a cat in the dark of night. “He mentioned me?”

Oh boy. She still has a thing for him.

“Err… he said he broke up with his girlfriend. Sorry, that’s really all he said.”

“Take my advice. Don’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth. He’ll do or say anything to get into your pants and then he’ll drop you.”

“Sounds like you know from experience.”

“I dumped him.”

“Then you shouldn’t care that he’s here with me,” I point out.

Britney wraps her neon green painted fingernails that match the tips of her hair around Kyson’s glass and slings the contents at me.

“Are you serious right now?” I gape at her, wondering what the heck I ever did to this girl. I’ve not even known her for five minutes. The liquid seeps into my clothing as I gather the ice cubes from my lap in a losing battle to prevent further damage.

A shadow falls over the table. Kyson drags his bottom lip between his teeth. The act has me going all warm and gooey in the center of my belly, despite being drenched in his drink. I smile big when I realize he’s holding my panda bear. “Shouldn’t you be sucking Remy’s dick out by the dumpsters?”

“Screw you, Kyson.”

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