Page 59 of Her Bully

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My dolly.

Chapter Twenty-one

What are you up to tonight?

I stare at my phone, wondering how to respond. On one hand, Gauge is a welcome distraction from my breakup with Matt and Kyson’s constant taunting and mixed signals. One second, he’s sweet and the next he’s the world’s biggest dickhead. I don’t understand him or the stupid games he plays.

It’s like he gets off on giving me whiplash with his back-and-forth personality swaps. If only he were capable of being the version of himself I know is buried deep down under all the bullshit. I don’t get why he has this desire to not only punish himself but everyone around him. I can’t keep worrying about him or when he’ll make his next move or find something else to hold over me like telling Matt how I cheated on him when I first came here. Not that it should matter at this juncture now that we’re not even on speaking terms.

I’ve survived my first month at my new school and at Uncle John’s house. I’ve survived my first month living with Kyson.


I should be settled in by now, but not where Kyson Allen is concerned. He torments me at every turn. Him and his friends, the wolf pack, excluding Gauge. Even Lauren, who I thought would make a good ally, is obsessed with them and belonging to their crew more now than ever since Ray dumped her, but she’s all I have. I’ve been waiting for her to come over. We’re supposed to make cupcakes, handout candy, and watch scary movies for Halloween. Uncle John and Helen are gone all weekend to some retreat for her work. I’ve been here for weeks and still feel as if I’ve barely seen her since the day she took me shopping. The woman is always at her job when I’m here or sleeping.

My uncle is always off doing whatever it is he does behind his wife’s back.

No wonder Kyson runs around like a psychopath doing whatever the hell he wants. I overheard him making plans to go camping with his jerk friends this weekend since they won their last game and this is their way to celebrate going to state. Apparently their coach is treating the team to the trip.

I’m not worried about him being around to annoy me every five seconds stressing me out with his stupid threats to show everyone that stupid picture he has on his phone. I tried to steal his phone to delete it, but of course, I needed facial recognition to unlock it. Besides knowing him, he’s got backup copies on his computer or something.

I elatedly watched him load his car up with some camping gear and drive off about ten minutes ago.

I fire off a text to Gauge even though my heart isn’t really into this dance we’ve been doing the past few weeks.

The usual. Being kidnapped by vampires and fairies.

As long as they bring you back…

I laugh at that but don’t engage him further.

I haven’t heard from Matt at all. I know we’re broken up, but I was hoping when he called to tell me that he’s dating, it meant that maybe we’d at least stay friends. I’ve tried calling and texting him but received zero response. I guess I can’t blame him for avoiding me. Glancing at my phone for the millionth time due it going off again with another notification I sigh when I see it’s a text from Lauren to say she’s not going to make it, but she might stop by for a few minutes with her siblings. She has to take them trick or treating because her mom’s sick. I can handle some cupcakes and trick or treaters on my own. It’s not a big deal and I really wasn’t looking forward to hearing her beat herself up because things with Ray didn’t work out.

I’m excited to have the house to myself for a few days.

I finish getting the batter mixed and into the tray. The preheat timer on the oven sounds and I slide them in. While they are baking, I can get my costume on. Matt and I always dressed up together. This year, we were going to be Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf.

I put on my white slip of a dress paired with my red hooded cape and black ankle boots. I styled my hair in two braids to keep it out of the way of the cupcakes. The finishing touch is my favorite red lipstick. By the time I go back downstairs, it’s time to cool the cupcakes. While I’m waiting, I scroll through my social media accounts on my phone, seeing what all my friends from home are up to.

My pulse speeds up.

Matt posted a new picture five minutes ago. He’s with that same chick from before who is dressed up in a sexy devil costume. My heart squeezes tight and sinks to my feet, observing his matching horns and the grip he has on her hip. I shouldn’t be upset but seeing him with someone who isn’t me stings. Falling down the rabbit hole, I scroll through all his posts and photos, wondering if they were already together behind my back.

I need to get a grip and stop wondering what ifs. I have cupcakes to decorate, and it’s growing dark outside. The trick or treaters should start ringing the doorbell any minute now. Shuffling my playlist to Halloween classics, I get started on the icing and sprinkles. Monster Mash plays as I dance around the kitchen, licking frosting from my spatula. A door slamming upstairs freezes me in my tracks. Uncle John or Helen could have forgotten something, but I thought they were long gone. Glancing out the living room window, I don’t see any cars in the driveway. I’m likely hearing things.

I go back to the kitchen and Kyson is leaning against the counter, eating one of my cupcakes. “Thought you went camping?”

“Plans changed. Mom didn’t feel right leaving you here alone all weekend.”

“Well, I don’t need you to stick around. You can go do whatever you want.”

He grabs my phone off the counter and skips through a few songs. Little Red Riding Hood by Sam The Sham & The Pharos plays. Kyson smirks at me and licks his fingers, looking very much like a bad wolf. “C’mere, lil’ doll.”

“Why?” I take a step back as he takes a step forward.

“Because I said so, that’s why.”

“I don’t take orders from you.”

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