Page 56 of Her Bully

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“I’m dating,” he pauses and when I don’t respond he continues, “nothing serious. I’m playing the field. I just didn’t want you to see photos or for someone from back home to tell you.”

“That’s…kind of you. I appreciate you calling.” My heart splinters at the thought of him with other girls, even though it isn’t fair of me.

“That’s me. Mr. Thoughtful.” He chuckles and I smile faintly, though he can’t see my reaction to his lame joke. “Take care of yourself, Dahls.”

“You too,” I mutter under my breath, but he’s already ended the call.

I grab a random fantasy romance novel off the shelf and head to the cash register to checkout. A shadow falls across the window as I wait to pay, and I look over to see Gauge smiling at me.

I pay for my book and find him waiting outside of the door for me, leaning casually with one foot resting against the brick building.

“Fancy meeting you here.” He grins, trying to play things cool.

“Well, we do live in the same town and attend the same school,” I remind him. “Shouldn’t you be loading up on the bus for the game?” Tonight’s game is at some school like three hours away. I only know this due to Lauren asking me to ride with her to cover it for the school’s website and social media. Last week was senior night and homecoming. I skipped going to the dance. Lauren went with Ray. I didn’t ask if Kyson took Britney, but if the pictures online are anything to go by he went stag.

“It’s tomorrow.”

“Oh. My bad.” I must have zoned out when Lauren was going over the details.

“What are you up to tonight?”

“Big plans.” I flash my hardback at him, and he turns his head sideways to read the title.

“Taken by the Fae Kings. Interesting choice.”

My face reddens. “Um. I must have grabbed the wrong one.”

“Hey.” He holds his palms out. “I don’t judge. My mother and my sister love smutty novels or, as I like to call it their reader corn.” He grins bigger and I stare at my shoes, biting my bottom lip. “Don’t be embarrassed.” His finger glides along my cheek and under my chin, lifting my gaze to his. “Want to catch a movie or something?”

“Like a date?”

“Do you want it to be a date?”

“To be determined…” I trail off, unable to meet his gaze. “I think you’re a niceish guy, but I also recently ended things with my boy–ex-boyfriend. It’s too soon for me to even think about jumping into something else.”

“Good things are worth waiting for. I can wait, Dahlia. Until then, we can be friends.”

“Friends is good. Can I get a raincheck on the movie? I didn’t eat lunch today so I could go for something greasy and bad for me.”

“I’ve been told once or twice I can be bad for your health.”

“Shut up before I change my mind about us being friends.”

“So, it is a date.” He loops his arm through mine, guiding me down the street toward a burger joint.

“Ha. No. Keep dreaming.”

Chapter Twenty

I’m in the kitchen looking for something to eat, like those dinners my mother promised to freeze for Dahlia and me for during the week that she never made when I hear a vehicle in the driveway. School let out over two hours ago. I give up on the food and go to see who’s dropping Dahlia off, but before I can, the front door opens, and she struts in laughing, with Gauge following closely behind.

She turns to him, ignoring my presence completely. “Thanks for dinner. It was fun.”

He grins at me over her shoulder as he moves in for a hug, sliding his hand to her hip and flipping me off behind her back. The burning feeling of jealousy flares up in my chest. I swallow hard, pushing down the wave of irrational anger. Fighting against my intrusive thoughts that have me wanting to knock his ass out for touching her. It’s none of my business who Dahlia hangs out with, or even dates.

If she wants to waste her time with him so be it.

Seeing them together like this, though, it feels like someone poured salt over a raw wound. I turn away and head to my room, deciding to put some distance between myself and this recent development. I wasn’t aware things had progressed between them.

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