Page 4 of Her Bully

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I never found his profile, but it no longer matters. I’m sitting across from the living and breathing version. A true teen Adonis. He’s probably such a cliché. I bet he’s captain of the football team and dates the head cheerleader. He looks like the type. Him and his jerk friends who are seated two rows away from me in detention.

My first day at my new school and I’m already in trouble. It wasn’t my fault, and I can’t believe Uncle John is punishing me.

I suppose things could be worse. I may be stuck in here with these jerks, but it’s better than the alternative. There is no way I’m going to live with my birth mother if I could find her or my ex-step-monster. The egg donor, as I refer to my mother, bailed on my dad and me when I was seven. I doubt she even thinks about me. My father divorced my stepmom two years ago when he found out she had been cheating on him the last time he was deployed. She came to the funeral, but we didn’t really speak other than her telling me she was sorry for my loss. My father’s death was sudden and unexpected. A logging accident at work. I’d always known his job was a dangerous one, and he knew the risk that came with his hefty paycheck. My house has been closed up until I’m old enough to take it over or I decide to sell it. My father had a large life insurance policy, but I’d much rather have him. All the money in the world can’t replace that man.

I still can’t believe he’s just gone.

My life changed in a matter of seconds. One tree took away everything I ever knew. I stare at the clock, willing the hands to move faster than they are. Every second that ticks by seems like an hour.

Kyson and his wolf pack keep grinning at me. The way they are looking at me as though I’m fresh meat has my stomach turning somersaults. These guys don’t strike me as the type who take no for an answer. I am aware I need to get this under control. I don’t want any trouble with them.

I used to spend part of my summers with Kyson. I always had a crush on him, even though he treated me like crap. But look at the guy. He’s God’s gift to teenage girls everywhere.

I glance at the teacher, who appears older than dirt. Wrinkles etched deeply into her skin like roads on a map. Only her skin is as thin as parchment paper. Short hair curled tight and close to the scalp as though it’s still in rollers. Head down on her desk, she’s not paying a bit of attention to us. Truth be told, I’m certain the old crow is asleep or possibly dead. I turn in my seat to face Kyson. I’m gonna have to get along with the guy since I’m living in his house, and we attend the same school.

“Hey. I didn’t rat you out to Uncle John. He pulled up the security feed.” This school is nothing like my old one. It’s private and the tuition isn’t cheap. At least we get my uncle’s employee discount.

“It’s whatever.” Kyson rolls his eyes at me.

The guy who pinched me on the butt snorts. “Baby, you can smack me around anytime.”

The bell rings before I can form a response. Remy blows me a kiss and darts out the door, followed by Gauge. Ugh.

“So, where are you parked?” I turn to Kyson, but he’s gone. Seriously!?! This boy has some nerve. I grab my stuff and trudge down the hallway and through the front doors.

Remy and Gauge are climbing into a big red truck. I scan the lot and my gaze lands on my target, leaned against the driver’s side door of a black muscle car. Of course, he drives a hot car. He’s always had it all.

He lifts his chin and climbs in. When I start toward him, he starts the engine and rolls down the window. “Sorry. No time to give you a ride. I’ve got plans.”

“Oh, come on.” I throw my arm up and stomp my foot as he cranks the radio and squeals his tires, then fishtails out the parking lot. “Asshole.” I sigh.

I hope I remember my way to Uncle John’s house. I start down the sidewalk when a dented blue car pulls up next to me. I look over and see Lauren, the girl I met in the guidance counselor’s office earlier today.

“Need a lift?” She presses her dark-rimmed glasses up the slope of her nose and shoots me a friendly smile. One of the only I’ve received all day.

Most of the girls sneer at me or ignore me completely while the guys here are eager to befriend me. Likely because they want to be the first to claim dibs or whatever. That’s how they were at my old school, anyway.

I keep pushing thoughts of home and my former life to the back of my mind. It hurts too much. Every time I think about my friends or my father, I get this lump in the back of my throat. Then the chest pain that makes me swear I’m having a heart attack and going to die starts, followed by my rapid pulse and the sensation of not being able to breathe.

Panic attacks.

I can’t afford to have one in front of Lauren and have her impression of me change to that of a basket case. She’s the only person I’ve encountered today who seems genuine.

“Yes, please.” I dart to the passenger side and get in. “Thank you so much.”

“Sure. No problem. Where do you live?”

“Do you have any idea where Mr. Kipling lives?”

She scrunches her nose. “Yeah.”

“That’s where I live?”

“Are you his daughter?”


“So…Kyson is?”

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