Page 17 of Her Bully

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“She’s a wannabe.”

“What’s wrong with wanting to fit in?”

“She’s only being nice to you to get close to my friends.”

“News flash. Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but not everything is about you and your constant need to have your ego stroked.”

“I have something else you can stroke.” He flashes a cocky smile my way and I want to punch him straight in the junk for looking so kissable when he’s being a complete ass.

“Is everything a joke with you? Do you take anything seriously?”

“Not really. I don’t see the point. We’ll all die sooner or later. May as well make the most of it.”

I turn toward the window, not needing a reminder of how quickly life can end.

My father is barely cold in the ground.

How’d I’d give nearly anything to hug him again.

The fact that I never will hurts like hell.

Finally, we arrive at school. I’m ready to jump out before the car has rolled to a complete stop. I squeeze the handle, and Kyson’s hand on my upper thigh stops me. “I’ll see you at lunch, lil’ doll.”

I glower at him but keep my mouth shut. There’s no way I’m sitting with him at lunch. I’d rather eat in the bathroom.

“Yo,” Gauge calls out, tapping on the driver’s side window. “Coach wants to see us.”

I smile to myself. I bet him and his wolf pack are about to catch hell for landing in detention and missing practice. Serves them right. They rule the school my butt. With Kyson distracted, I scurry from the vehicle and dart across the parking lot before the first bell sounds.

Lauren waits right inside the door for me and I’m grateful to have someone normal to talk to. “What’s your schedule? I meant to text last night and forgot. Anything juicy or exciting happen? Like, what was the deal this morning? Oh my God! Is that a hickey?” She touches my neck. “Are you hooking up with Kyson?” She shrieks his name as Britney struts past us.

“Would you keep it down? I burned myself with my curling wand.” I fish my schedule out of my binder. “Help me find my locker. Please.”

“Sure. This is great. We have every class together except last period. Do you need a ride today or are you riding with…,” she leans in close, “Kyson?” her voice barely an audible whisper.

“I’ll meet you in the parking lot after the last bell.”

“Cool. Cool. Your locker is right this way. Same hall as me, by the library.”

I pray that means it’s also away from the locker rooms and the jerk jocks. “Thanks, Lauren. I really appreciate you. It’s hard being new and not having friends.”

“And call me Lo, because your secrets are safe with me. Get it? Like down low. You can count on me. And trust me, once people figure out who you are, there won’t be a shortage of people lining up to be your best friend.”

“Because of Kyson?” I shake my head as she grins big. “Ugh.” I twist the dial on the combination lock.

“Well, that and the fact you’re new here and mysterious. No one knows a thing about you. You show up after the first term and on your first day here you land yourself in detention with the wolf pack. You’re interesting.”

“I’m not interesting.”

“Of course you are. You live with Kyson Allen. No one knows why that is, so of course, the rumors are rampant. Not to mention that the scene between you and Britney at the arcade is making rounds.”

“News travels fast. How do you know all this?”

“I’ll show you at lunch.”

My stomach sinks at the thought of entering that cafeteria after what happened yesterday with Kyson and his friends. I don’t want a repeat.

“Come on. Ms. Shetfield doesn’t take kindly to tardiness.”

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