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Chapter 1


My bedroom looks like a tornado hit it and I couldn’t be happier. My heart beats double time as I think about the reason for the explosion of colorful clothing covering every inch of space. I’m going to Italy for two weeks by myself. Sure, this is the kind of once-in-a-lifetime trip most people plan with a significant other, their family, or even a best friend, but when you grow up surrounded by the most well-meaning, and overbearing, big brothers the good Lord ever put on this earth, the idea of two weeks of no one knowing what I’m doing or who I am sounds like heaven.

“Clara!” My sister-in-law and best friend, Ivy, holds up a scandalously small bikini I bought especially for this trip, “Is this underwear or a swimsuit? I honestly can’t tell.”

“It looks like something for one of her old dolls.” My older brother, Wilder, grumbles as he walks into my room and lays a rather inappropriate kiss on his wife. “It’s definitely not something my baby sister is taking on a trip where she will be alone. Who knows what kind of idiot could see her wearing that.”

“I think that’s the plan,” interjects my other sister-in-law. Scarlett is my favorite person at the moment. “Without all of you big, hulking St. James boys watching her every move, maybe Clara can finally let loose.”

Wilder grimaces at Scarlett but doesn’t say anything. His silence is probably the result of the death stare he’s getting from Ivy. The St. James women have to stick together. We are outnumbered and the testosterone can be overwhelming at times.

I pack more of my new purchases, trying to hide the sexiest ones from my big brother. I bought most of these with Knox’s credit card when he had me buy a getaway bag for Scarlett. He planned a whole surprise trip for his proposal and had Ivy and I do the shopping. Boy was Knox surprised when Scarlett opened her bag to find a mix of sexy lingerie and sundresses, and nothing else, with a note from us congratulating them. He complained about how much money I spent on “nothing”, but Scarlett told me when they got home that he wouldn’t let her put on any of the few things we packed for her. More than I needed to know, but also exactly what I thought would happen.

I, on the other hand, will wear all the gorgeous things I bought. Money well spent. This trip has been my goal since I graduated and finished studying for the CPA exam. As soon as I passed, my family threw me a dinner party and presented me with my dream itinerary, which Ivy had found on my Pinterest. The whole trip was paid for, and Mom and Dad gave me a very generous amount of spending money. As much as I complain about my overbearing, nosy, wonderful family, I love every one of them and will miss them terribly.

Tears start to form as I think about being away from home. I’ve never been away from Star Mountain without my family and have never been out of the country. I’ve been so excited about everything that I haven’t let myself think about what a big step this all is, but now that I’m actually about to leave I’m nervous.

Wilder notices, “Clara Bear, you okay?”

The concern in his voice makes the tears start to fall. I laugh, “Yes, I’m just silly. Suddenly, I realize I’m going to be in another country without any of you. I know that’s what I’ve repeatedly said I want, and I do, but it’s still a little scary.”

Wilder lets go of his wife, slides a pile of clothing rejects out of his way, and sits next to me on the edge of my bed. He holds out his hand until I place mine in his, something he’s done since I was a little girl. His hand is so much larger than mine and it’s always made me feel safe. I’m twenty-five, but my big brothers, especially Wilder and Knox, will always be my heroes.

“You know that if you get over there and you hate it you can come home. Or if you want to stay, but you need company, someone will go to hang out with you.”

Leaning my head on my big brother’s shoulder, I smile. I feel calmer just hearing him say the words. “I know, Wilder. If I need someone I will call.”

Ivy laughs. “I would join you in a heartbeat, but I’m probably the only one who can’t.” She waves the baby monitor that’s letting us have this uninterrupted grown-up time. Jovie, the best baby ever, is napping in my guest room.

“I don’t know. Baby’s first trip to Italy… She has a passport, right?”

Wilder growls. “I meant one of your brothers, Clara. Not my infant daughter.”

We all laugh at his overreaction and my tears are gone. Minutes later Knox, Miles, Hunter, and my parents are all filling into my bedroom to join us.

“We need to move out of this room. It can’t hold all of us and my luggage.”

Each brother grabs a bag and carries it out to the entryway of my small bungalow-style home. It doesn’t fit our mountain town, but when you are the baby in a family of builders, architects, and designers you get the house you want.

“Mom and Dad are driving you to the airport and Scarlett and I are picking you up,” Knox says for the third or fourth time since the plans were made.

I roll my eyes but confirm that I understand.

Hunter, the brother closest to me in age and temperament, asks again if I want him to go with me. “Are you sure? I can arrange for another veterinarian to watch my patients for at least a week. Then you wouldn’t be by yourself the whole time. Maybe Miles could join you for the other half of the trip?” He looks at my other brother who nods in agreement.

“Okay, one last time for the whole gang. I love you all. I’m so grateful for this trip, but I need to do this on my own. Am I scared to be by myself? A little bit. Does that mean I want to change my plans? Nope.” I take a deep breath. My legs are shaking. I rarely stand up to the whole family at once. “I have dreamed of taking this trip since I was a teenager. Positano and Naples are my dream vacation destinations and I’m so thankful you’ve given me this gift. But you have to let me go. You also have to believe that I can do this. If you doubt me, I will continue to doubt myself.”

They all start talking at the same time. It’s Scarlett, who is still my favorite, who tells the whole family to hush, something she wouldn’t have done six months ago.

“Clara, you can do anything. These men might treat you like you are breakable, but it’s because they would break if something happened to you. You are the glue that holds this family together. The whole family knows how strong you are, and we just want you to have the best time on this trip. The real world awaits when you get back. It will be time to put that CPA license to work.”

Scarlett gives me the biggest hug and whispers in my ear, “Go find some Italian hunk and have an epic holiday, then come back and tell Ivy and me every detail.”

Knox pulls her away and spins her around. “I heard that. Don’t tell my baby sister to find a hunk.” He hugs me too. “The rest she’s one hundred percent right about. We love you so much, Clara Bear.”

“I love you, too.”

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