Page 4 of Salacious

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“Eww-I really don’t want to think about Tony’s balls, man,” Ross grumbled. Leo couldn’t help his laughter as he sat back in the chair he was occupying. He had always liked this side of Ross—the playful, funny side. He missed that person, but things became complicated after just one kiss.

“Sorry, I try not to think about them either,” Leo admitted. “You really had no idea that your father owned this club, huh?” Leo kind of felt bad that he had taken so much pleasure in telling Ross about the place.

“No,” Ross breathed, “what’s the name of the place?”

“Why, are you planning on checking it out?” Leo asked.

“Actually, I was thinking about checking it out,” Ross admitted.

“Great, I’ll go with you,” Leo said. “it’s called The Kink Club.”

“Appropriate name for a sex club. As for you going along, I’m good with going on my own,” Ross insisted. “I’m sure that you have better things to do with your time.”

“What—and miss your reaction to walking into an actual sex club? No, I won’t want to miss a single second of your first time in a place like that,” Leo teased.

“Um, who said that it would be my first time in a place like that?” Ross taunted. Now, it was Leo’s turn to be a bit dumbfounded. Thinking about Ross playing in a kink club turned him inside out with need. That was the last thing he needed if he wanted to avoid falling for Ross again. Still, the idea of checking out the club intrigued him, and his afternoon was clear.

“Regardless of whether this is your first time in a sex club or not, my afternoon is free and I’m up for a little adventure,” Leo said. “Plus, I have the keys to the place.” He pulled a key from his pocket and held it up for Ross to see.

“The rabbit’s foot keychain is a nice touch,” Ross teased. “Fine, let me tell my assistant that I’m going out for a while, and I’ll meet you downstairs. I’ll drive.” Leo thought about insisting that he take his own car, but getting some extra time with Ross, one on one, appealed to him. Maybe that made him a masochist, but he didn’t care at the moment.

“Sounds good,” Leo agreed. “I’ll meet you downstairs.” Leo walked out of Ross’s office knowing that he was headed down a road that might end in heartache for him again, but for some strange reason, he wanted just that. It was going to be nice to feel something other than the darkness that currently consumed him.


They got to the club and the place was empty. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but he didn’t think that he’d find the place empty. “I thought there might be people here,” Ross admitted.

“Well, maybe it doesn’t open until later. I’ll text my father to find out who’s running the club. I’m sure that they have a manager, and all that stuff,” Leo said.

“Good idea,” Ross said. “I guess we’ll have to get in touch with the manager to let him or her know about the change of ownership. I’m wondering how active a roll my father took in the place.” The idea of his dad having anything to do with a place like the club made him a bit queasy. The biggest question he had was if his mother knew about this place or not. It was something that he could ask her, but that would be one awkward conversation and one that he wasn’t looking forward to having.

Leo used the key with the tacky rabbit’s foot keychain to open the door, and he almost wanted to laugh at how cliché it all seemed. “I can feel you laughing at me; even from back there,” Leo grumbled.

“Not at all,” Ross insisted. “I think it’s more that I’m laughing at the fact that our fathers had a key to a sex club on a rabbit’s foot keychain. I mean, how cliché is that?” he asked.

“Very, but our fathers are traditionalists,” Leo reminded. “You and I know that better than anyone.” Ross did know that better than anyone. It’s why he had kept his sexuality a secret from his father his whole life. And if he was picking up one Leo’s meaning, he had kept the same secret not only from his family but from everyone else in his life.

“Are we going to talk about it then?” Ross asked. He was pushing Leo out of his comfort zone, he knew it, but he really wanted to discuss what had happened between them—that kiss and Leo pushing him away were all that he could think about. The memory of kissing Leo had consumed him and now was the perfect time to talk about it. They were alone in a sex club—he couldn’t have come up with a better place to talk about their kiss.

“Talk about what?” Leo asked, playing dumb.

“Oh, come on,” Ross shouted. “Are you honestly going to keep on pretending that you and I never kissed?”

“No,” Leo spat, “I remember the kiss.”

“Well, that’s at least a start,” Ross grumbled.

“I remember the way that you forced yourself on me and then, when I told you that I wasn’t interested in you like that, you threw a fit and left,” Leo said. He was poking Ross to get a rise out of him, and hell if he wasn’t ready to give Leo just what he wanted.

“First off,” Ross said, poking his finger into Leo’s sculpted chest, “I didn’t throw a fit. And second, I didn’t force myself on you. If I remember correctly, you were just as into the kiss as I was. You wrapped your arms around me and if I recall, you put your tongue in my mouth. If you hated it so much, Leo, why did you give me some tongue action?” Ross asked.

“I did not,” Leo shouted. “There was no tongue action.”

“Oh, honey,” Ross chided, “there was tongue action.” He noted Leo’s breathing grow heavy and if Ross wasn’t mistaken, Leo was just as turned on as he currently felt. It was now or never. He might not get another chance with Leo, and he wasn’t about to waste his one and only shot at kissing him again.

He took a step closer to Leo, completely invading his personal space. “I think that you liked the kiss as much as I did,” Ross pushed. “In fact, I think you want me to kiss you again.”

Leo’s breathing was labored and when Ross pressed his hand into his chest, Leo’s breath hitched. “Ross,” he breathed. “Please.” He wasn’t sure if Leo was begging him to kiss him or to leave him alone. The latter wasn’t an option. Ross was already in too deep with Leo. He was all that he could think about every night when he closed his eyes to fall asleep. He consumed Ross’s dreams and he finally had Leo right where he wanted him—in a sex club, all worked up by just talking about the kiss that they shared.

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