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But it never came.

Instead, all I felt was humiliated. Violated. Powerless. I felt Knight’s rough hands shove my vinyl pants down to my ankles. I felt my nipple rings snag when he yanked my bra and tank top up under my armpits. But I didn’t feel him enter me. My mind went somewhere else for that part. Somewhere happier.

The phone in my hand, which had gone silent, began to ring again. My heart slammed against my protruding ribs.

Don’t look, BB. Just go back to bed. Maybe it’s not him. Please, don’t—

Without my consent, my fingers crept forward and lifted one of the filthy plastic slats again, just a fraction of an inch. Knight’s chopper was still parked beneath the streetlight outside, but he wasn’t standing next to it anymore.


In a panic, I opened the blinds a little wider, scanning the expanse of darkness between the street and my second-story window. Knight wasn’t in the driveway. He wasn’t at the front door. My eyes darted across the almost-pitch-black front yard, ping-ponging between the pine trees until a familiar pair of almost-colorless blue eyes emerged from the shadows.

Knight’s pale skin seemed to glow in the dark. His once-baby-soft blond buzz cut was grown out and slicked back. And his camouflage cargo pants had been traded in for a pair of black Levi’s and a leather cut. Knight’s new biker persona was just as intimidating as his military look, but unlike his dog tags and fatigues, it didn’t even give the illusion that he was a good guy.

Knight was the motherfucking boogeyman.

He shouldn’t have been able to see me. My light was off, and my blinds were only cracked wide enough for one of my thoroughly dilated pupils to peek through, but Knight stared at that crack anyway. It was as if he could smell my fear.

Don’t fucking move. He can’t see you. You’re fine. He can’t see you.

I held my breath as Knight narrowed his eyes at my window and growled something into his cell phone. I couldn’t read his lips in the dark, but I didn’t have to. My phone dinged in my hand a second later, indicating that I had a voicemail.

With one last murderous glare, Knight spat on the ground in front of my house, tucked his phone back into his pocket, and headed back down my driveway, silent as a shadow.

As I watched him climb onto his chopper and speed away, my shaking thumb navigated to his voicemail and pressed Delete, just like it had done a hundred times before. I knew Knight was still calling in the middle of the night, still leaving me random, venomous voicemails.

I just didn’t know he’d been doing it from outside my bedroom window.

The nearly full moon peeked out at me from its own hiding place behind a cluster of pine trees. Evidently, it was scared of Knight, too.

“Don’t worry,” I whispered to it, my voice brittle and unconvincing. “I’m gonna get us out of here.”

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