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Zach bit his bottom lip in a classic smolder. “I would say we should drink to that, but you don’t have a drink. What can I bring you, killer?”

I suddenly couldn’t remember a single one of the ten items on the drink menu, so I shrugged and said, “Surprise me.”

Oh, super smooth!

Zach winked at me—he fucking winked!—and slid out of the booth just as gracefully as he’d arrived.

Juliet’s ass replaced his almost immediately and with much less grace.

“I need a cigarette and a summary, stat.”

I couldn’t contain my smile as I pulled two Camel Lights out of the pack in my purse and lit both. Handing one to Juliet, I said, “So, basically, we’re in love, and he already promised to never break up with me, so I guess we’re engaged, too. I’d say things are getting pretty serious.”

Juliet exhaled through her nose as her mouth curled up into a wicked, wicked smile.

“What?” I asked, my lips mirroring hers.

“I fucking love being right.”

Just then Zach showed back up, holding some hot-pink nightmare garnished with everything behind the bar. “Excuse me, miss. That seat’s taken.” Zach gave Juliet the same twinkly eyes he’d given me, and I watched her squirm in her seat.

Nobody was born with game like that. Homeboy had honed those skills. I remembered my mom’s warning about bartenders being promiscuous, and now, I understood what she meant. I wondered how many girls he’d bedded with his flirty banter and free drinks.

Sober BB decided she was going to make Zach work a little harder. Then, sober BB drank two of Zach’s mystery drinks, and an hour later, she was ready to book a flight to Las Vegas to get hitched.

“Hey, what’s your last name?” I blurted randomly, too caught up in my fantasy elopement to listen to whatever Zach had been talking about.


If there had been anything in my mouth at that particular moment, I would have sprayed it all over his face.

Brooks? Brooks!

I couldn’t run away to Las Vegas with a guy named Brooks! If we got married, my name would be Brooke Brooks! Brooke…motherfucking…Brooks! I might as well start wearing prairie dresses, learn to play guitar, and join a folk band!

That was it. The night was ruined. Zach wasn’t the one. His last name might as well have been Butthole or Baby-Eater. I couldn’t do it.

“Oh, man. I’m exhausted.” I stretched my arms over my head and yawned. “I better get going. I’ve got a long drive back. Thanks for the drinks.”

I tried to ignore the surprised look on Zach’s face as I got up and scanned the restaurant for Juliet. She was behind the bar, where Zach should have been, handing a beer to one of the guys yelling at the TV. She pulled her penciled-on eyebrows together when she saw me stand up and marched over to give me a hug. She didn’t say anything about me leaving, but I could tell from her frown and the tightness of her embrace that I’d catch hell about it later.

Just as I was about to leave, Zach darted between me and the door, blocking my exit.


I knew how the world worked. Slutty clothes + free drinks = expectations. Zach expected something from me now, but what? A kiss? A quick hand job in the parking lot? Sex?

“Hey,” he said, giving me his smarmiest bartender smile and placing a tattooed hand over his heart. “I’ve been a terrible boss. I totally forgot to get your number when I hired you.” I frowned for a second until he added, “Emergency Body Burial Supervisor BB.”

I burst out laughing as recognition struck. And relief. All he wanted was my number! Hell, I’d give that to anybody. It wasn’t like I answered unknown numbers anymore anyway, thanks to Knight.

Pulling a pen and an old receipt out of my purse, I scrawled down my number and handed it to him with a fake scowl. “Emergency body burials don’t just supervise themselves, you know. I’d advise you to take my career a little more seriously.”

Zach raised his hand to his forehead in a salute. “Yes, ma’am.”

Along with my number, I gave Zach a grateful smile and a super-awkward side hug. Then, I bolted out the door.

The sidewalks of Athens were filled with preppy girls in mini dresses that made my halter top and python pants look about as slutty as a three-piece suit. With every step I took toward my car, the high from my flirty banter with Zach wore off a little more. The cool air of approaching autumn sank into my exposed skin a little deeper. And the reality of my situation settled around me like an unwanted blanket.

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