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“Thank you,” she says.

I smile. Damn, she really is adorable. “You’re very welcome, Sonya,” I say,

As I stand up, Scott tries to take one, too.

I pull the basket back. “You don’t get one.”

“That’s not very neighborly of you.”

“Yeah, well, neither is stealing.”

Scott raises a brow. “At least leave the basket. No reason to deprive an innocent child of baked goods just because you have a grudge.”

I resist a moment longer, then reluctantly offer him the basket. He takes it. “You can’t have any,” I say. “They’re for her.”


“All of them.” I give her another smile, unable to help myself. “She’s very cute,” I say.

“Thanks,” he says. “Your kid is, too.”


“He could use a haircut, though.”

“Oh, piss off.”

I take Liam’s hand and we march back across the street to our house.

As we reach my lawn, I glance back over my shoulder to see Scott still standing in his open doorway.




The hot new single dad, eh?


Less than two days in Small Town and I’ve already made quite the impression on the local single ladies.

Granted, I knew what I was getting into by moving to Small Town. I grew up in Big City, so I’m no stranger to the romance of Kiss County. But I’ve got more important things to worry about right now than that. Moving into a new home. Opening my new shop. And Sonya, of course.

There’s no room in my life for another woman, especially not that new neighbor from last night.

Lottie Linney.

The single mom across the street.

I glance at the basket of muffins on the counter. Abandoning my laptop, I walk over to pick it up, then I make my way out of the kitchen and into the hallway. Dodging stacks of boxes waiting to be unpacked, I walk to Sonya’s room down the hall and silently stand in the open doorway. She’s on her floor with her dolls, several of them brand new because… well, anything to cheer her up, right?

“Hey, kiddo,” I say. “You want another mini muffin?”

She says nothing. Just shakes her head.

I exhale hard. She’s never been so quiet in her life.

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