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“Made for an interesting childhood, that’s for sure.”

Carter points again, this time down the path that wraps around the lawn. “And that goes to the lake?” he asks.

“Yeah,” I say. “It’s a little overgrown at the moment, because...” I bite my tongue. “Well, we’re off-season. But it’ll be cleaned up by summer.”

Without a word, Carter starts down the path.

I follow him. He takes out his phone as we walk, turning on the flashlight to illuminate our path, and I do the same. Within a few minutes, we reach the boathouse, where we store the paddle boats and other summer swimming gear. Beyond that is the dock that stretches out into Deep Lake.

Carter walks to the end of the dock and stands there, his eyes on Tall Mountain on the northeastern side of the lake. I take in the view myself, admiring the bright moon shining on the water. The lake extends a long way, and I point out the small lights of Camp Deep Lake on the eastern coast. On the clearest nights, one can see the lights of Big City and Pleasant Place toward the west, if you squint hard enough.

I tell him all of that. He doesn’t say a word.

“Carter?” I ask. “Are you okay?”

“Uh...” He straightens up, shaking off whatever trance he was in, and nods. “Yeah. I’m fine. It’s… it’s really nice. You have a nice home here.”


“I can, uh... I can see why people come.”

“It has its charm.”


We don’t linger much longer. We head back to the inn, our phones lighting our path.

“Did you enjoy your tour?” I ask once we’re back inside.

“Actually, yes,” Carter says. “I did.”

“Good.” I stop at the desk to check for messages or signs that someone has come by in my absence, but everything is where it should be. “That’ll be nineteen ninety-five.”

He laughs. “Tack it onto my bill.”

“I’ll make a note.” As I turn back around, I find him lingering close behind me. “Well, thanks for dragging me along. Felt good to stretch a bit.”

“You’re welcome,” he says, his eyes the softest blue. “I had fun.”

“Me, too.”

“You want to come upstairs? Have a drink with me?”

“Oh, uh...” His eyes drift toward my lips, and I instinctively press mine together. “Actually, those mini champagne bottles in the welcome baskets are non-alcoholic, so...”

The words dissolve in my mouth. I’m not even sure what I was trying to say in the first place. But Carter doesn’t seem to notice nor care as he looks at me, his head tilting slightly.

My heart stalls. “I’m not sure I shou?—”

Carter leans down and kisses me on the lips. I saw it coming; I felt it happening, and yet, it still takes me by surprise. His soft lips cradle mine, willing them to part, and I feel myself wanting to kiss him back. A warmth surges throughout my body, igniting my skin as his hand comes to my cheek.

He kisses me again, deeper still, and every neglected part of me quivers with need.

How long has it been since a man has kissed me like this?

Never, I think to myself.

No man has ever kissed me like this.

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